By: David Stephens of
Ousta! Welcome back to the only WrestleView column covering topics both nowhere yet everywhere at once. If you are new to the column you are probably going to hate me for the first couple weeks, but then you are going to hit a point where you say ‘oh wait a minute, I think he gets it’. Don’t worry, that’s exactly how it is designed to be. This column is all about gut reactions and traveling thoughts. As the great Andy Kaufman once said: “I just want real reactions. I want people to laugh from the gut, be sad from the gut, or get angry from the gut”.
Wow, it has been ages since I have been able to get one of these out to you guys. I finally understand why Hunter Golden would only get one out like once a month. I’ve been working hard on my RAW Recaps as well as my weekly radio show for the VIP Network, so check them out. Anyways, a couple things that I wanted to talk about real quick that have come up since Monday night.
The Great Khali & The Cena Army
Here is my take on the addition of The Great Khali. What the hell is with all of the negativity regarding his selection. Let’s be real, If I am building myself an army, and I have the roster to choose from, I’d go right after The Great Khali. Forget about all the smarky stuff for a second, and pretend that this is actually real. Why WOULDN’T you choose the monstrous sized Great Khali? Throw in the fact that he is a former World Champion, and it seems like a perfect choice. At least that would be my strategy.
Wade Barrett’s Wasteland on Mark Henry
Apparently, everyone and their brother thinks it should make the next Botchamania. (Yeah, that’s a shout out to Maffew, keep up the good work!) Still, I maintain it worked. Granted, Henry is freakin’ huge and held on to the rope as long as possible, but watch the move itself. Yes, it was close to the ropes and at first looked like Barrett just dropped him. (I actually thought he did before they showed the slow motion on RAW) BUT, there is a very crisp snap-twist that Wade pulls off. Henry lands almost perfectly on his back. No really, youtube it!
Jaded Smarks
I got an e-mail this week, and I am going to share with you guys an excerpt of what I was sent, as well as my response. I have removed the name of the e-mailer and all that jazz.
Oh yeah, the subject line was “what drug are you on”. I was really tempted to e-mail back some Ke$ha lyrics and say “your love is my drug”, but I’m totally more professional than that. I swear.
Anyway, here it is:
I’m pretty sure you and I both watched the same RAW on Monday July 19th that is, unless you watch some special version for WWE shills.
[edit – omitted paragraph about the Wade/Henry Wasteland Debate as I’ve already covered that earlier in the column]I don’t know how long you’ve been watching wrestling, but I’ve been watching it for 30+ years. I’ve also worked on the Indies as a bellringer/timekeeper for [edit-omitted the names to keep from identifying the person].
Here’s my response:
I really have no idea what your point was in mentioning the length of time you have been watching wrestling. If I had a choice, I would watch wrestling nearly every time through the eyes of a new fan. The love and optimism in first discovering the industry and all of its glory is something that I never try to forget. It is why I have made a pact to always try and highlight the positive elements in the product.
Let’s be honest, I’m not your typical wrestling writer. I’ll never let myself fall into the trap of becoming a jaded bitter smark. What’s the point? If I ever come to a point where I am no longer finding enjoyment in the industry and what I do, I would stop writing. As you well know from your experience, that’s the beauty with the Independent Scene. There is always some niche to discover and enjoy, be it the style of a promotion such as WSU, Chikara, CZW or AJPW. It’s all there!
People like you and I certainly follow the business closer than most. You have admittedly been watching longer than I have, hell, longer than I have even been alive. But, I try and keep in mind the quote attributed to Ron Wild – “Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child”. It is with the enthusiasm of a child that I would love to be able to absorb the product despite my years of analyzing and writing on the subject. Let’s not forget, it is Sports “Entertainment” after all!
I’m not afraid to fully suspend my disbelief and believe in the industry’s alternative reality. You may feel such a choice is idiotic or naïve, and you have every right to feel that way. To me, it is a path of wonderment that has gotten me this far. It is a trail that I will continue to blaze, because the reward at the edge of the forest is worth years of entertainment and edge of my seat excitement.
So ‘that’s a wrap’…. Love it? Hate it? Disagree with everything I said? Just want to chat wrestling? I’m always up for reading your thoughts so send them ’em on over.
Look for the newest edition to the WrestleView Radio Network: “The Teacher’s Lounge” featuring Anthony Valvo (From the Desk of Mr. V) and myself this Saturday!