Superstars Results – 11/18/10

WWE Superstars
November 18, 2010
Commentators: Scott Stanford & CM Punk/Matt Striker & Todd Grisham
Report by: Enzo Mendicino of

This week’s episode of WWE Superstars on WGN opened with Todd Grisham introducing the show as JTG came out to the ring for the opening match from the Smackdown brand. Matt Striker questioned Grisham’s toughness as JTG completed his ring entrance. Striker said JTG brings an “exciting, urban style” to the ring. Okay. A nearly clean-shaven Chavo Guerrero came out next to face JTG. He looks a bit like Christopher Daniels with the facial hair look and biker shorts. JTG was uninterested in Chavo’s taunts and the bell sounded to start things off.


JTG refused to remove his sunglasses per Chavo’s request, so JTG put the shades on Charles Robinson. Off they went with JTG working up the crowd before they locked up and JTG landed a knockdown clothesline. JTG cockily knocked Chavo to the outside, then took a dropkick to the knees from Chavo back in the ring. Striker said the “cutesy stuff” from JTG went out the window. JTG then came back with left hand jabs as Grisham continued to make up stuff to say. JTG with a back drop, insert Striker cliche, then JTG with the Mug Shot for a two count. Chavo came back with a rolling kick strike to the top of the head before doing the Eddie Shuffle. Chavo wanted Tres Amigos, but JTG blocked numero dos. Chavo shooed him away, then went up top and pointed to the ceiling, but JTG cut him off. Chavo responded by dropping JTG throat-first across the top rope. Chavo went back up top for the Frog Splash and connected. Chavo with the pin and the win.

Winner: Chavo in 5:00

They aired a video package on the “mad frenzy” for tickets to WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta next April.

Main Event still to come: Raw Divas tag action.

-Commercial Break-

Some random scream-and-yell rock music hit to bring out Curt Hawkins, whose sporting his fourth look in the last two months. Dudebuster Trent Barreta then came out alone to face Hawkins, who mouthed, “You me, right now.” Striker noted their history being trained in the same area. This is where an Old School inset promo could have helped.


The announcers picked up a conversation on Kane vs. Edge as Grisham suggested Hawkins was trained by Shawn Michaels. Prof. Striker cut him off and said that’s not true. The action briefly moved to the outside before Hawkins took out Barreta with a leg sweep and went to work on him. Barreta made a comeback and hit a springboard dropkick to the back of the head for a nearfall. Grisham noted Barreta’s lack of singles opportunities, but he’s done well in “doubles.” Grisham laughed at himself and said it’s not tennis. Barrett snapped off a huracanrana, then followed with a running DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Barreta in 5:00

-Commercial Break-

C.M. Punk came out for commentary on the Raw portion of the show with his own ring entrance. They had the old Superstars black backdrop on the ring entrance and the old WWF logo from the Old School Raw set from Monday’s TV taping. Scott Stanford was already ringside and welcomed Punk to the show. Punk asked “Steve” how he’s doing. Primo then walked out with A.J. for an Old School match against Yoshi.

Match #3: YOSHI TATSU vs. PRIMO (w/A.J.)

Punk comically made three segues in three straight sentences while asking “Jeff” what his qualifications are to be a commentator. Punk then complained about the guardrails and being at the Spanish announce table. In the ring, Yoshi smashed Primo with a leg whip and Punk sold excitement over the move. “That was Old School. Speaking of Old School…” Yoshi with a roundhouse kick for a two count. The action moved to the floor where Punk stood up to warn Primo that it’s an Old School table. A.J. encouraged Primo to get up while Punk sent it to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, Punk recapped a “stiff lariat” from Yoshi on Primo during the break. Yoshi fired off a round of chops to the chest, but Primo cut him off and landed a flying splash across the back of the neck. Primo slid out of the ring and high-fived Punk, then re-entered the ring and attempted a superplex, but Yoshi headbutted Primo down to the mat. Yoshi climbed up top looking for a roundhouse kick and Primo moved his hand in the way to absorb the blow. Punk called the three count, immediately switching allegiance to Yoshi, who scored the three count for the win.

Winner: Primo in 9:00

-Commercial Break-

Back to the Raw announce table, Stanford and Punk broke down the Survivor Series PPV line-up. Punk no-sold John Cena’s “huge decision to be made” at Survivor Series before Stanford fed to a lengthy video package on John Cena “finding where he belongs” in WWE where he apparently receives validation in life.

Melina came out alone ahead of the main event to get her shine before they cut to break.

-Commercial Break-


Punk and Stanford remained on commentary for the main event as the remaining Divas completed their ring entrances in front of the Old School Superstars set. There’s a permanent change that could be made. It’s just a classic look that never really goes out of style. The heels isolated Gail Kim early on, which meant Gail actually received some in-ring time in this tag match. Punk sold mock concern before Gail eventually tagged out to Melina, who cleaned house. Maryse thought she outsmarted Melina with a numbers game, but Melina avoided a boot to the head and small packaged Maryse for the pin and the win. Cue up the babyface Divas celebrating the match victory to conclude the show.

Winners: Gail & Melina in 5:00

Enzo’s Thoughts

Fine showcase match for Chavo. JTG’s character is so undefined at this point that the audience just doesn’t have a reason to care. (*1/4)

Fine singles match focusing on Barreta trying to give him an individual personality. Perhaps Hawkins needs to try a fifth look. (*1/4)

Match #3: YOSHI TATSU vs. PRIMO (w/A.J.)
Punk’s heel color commentary was a breath of fresh air acting like a traditional heel commentator by comically switching allegiance throughout the match. In the ring, Yoshi was solid continuing to get his “touches” on Superstars. If Punk were to have a consistent role as color commentator, his heel persona would actually be productive since he wouldn’t be the lead play-by-play announcer. (*1/2)

Fine, basic formula tag match. Punk was again strong on commentary in an audition type setting. Again, the classic Superstars backdrop and ring entrance look could be retained permanently to actually enhance the show and allow Superstars to stand out from WWE’s other weekly TV shows. (*)

Enzo’s Superstars Power Rankings:

1) Zack Ryder (-)
2) Christian (-)
3) Jack Swagger (-)
4) Dolph Ziggler (-)
5) Kofi Kingston (-)
6) Evan Bourne (-)
7) Primo Colon (+3)
8) Chris Masters (-1)
9) Montel Vontavious Porter (-1)
10) Yoshi Tatsu (-1)

As always, thanks for reading, never hesitate to hit me up with any comments questions or anything else and I hope to see everyone next week!

