WWE NXT on WWE.com
October 12, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Report by: Gregory “Grash” Walek of Wrestleview.com
NXT News
* NXT started in its new time slot at Wednesday at 4pm last week. The reason for moving the show is to provide more time to produce and edit it before air. As far as I’m concerned, this is a good thing. It also opens the door for the WWE to move Smackdown to Tuesday and not worry about doing production for two shows on one day.
* Darren Young has been suspended for 30 days for a violation of WWE’s Wellness policy. This is his first violation.
“We Are Wild And Young”
Maxine and Derrick Bateman enter the ring. Bateman thanks Mr. McMahon, the board of directors, and Johnny Ace for taking control of Raw and stopping the chaos that begun to spill over in “his Show”. They put over their relationship with a kiss. Bateman then puts himself over and introduces himself by name as the greatest NXT rookie ever. Maxine gives Bateman a push and he says she has stolen his heart like an opposing defensive player catches an interception from Tony Romo. Watson and O’Neil come out. This gets cheap heat from the crowd.
Titus O’Neil and Percy Watson enter the arena and make fun of Maxine and Bateman. Titus reminds us he has a crazy number of redemption points and Bateman has none cause he came later after the challenges had taken place. He mentions how the season has gone long as well. Maxine reminds that Bateman beat Titus last week. Watson tells Maxine she interfered and then looks to Bateman and gets a chorus of Watson and O’Neil calling Bateman “Booty Whipped”.
Matt Striker appears. He reminds us all that he is till the host of NXT. He has the power to make matches still. He sets up Bateman vs. Percy Watson for later. He then sets up Maxine vs. AJ to happen right away.
Maxine vs. AJ
Jack talks about Maxine having a degree in criminology. It helps her manipulate people, Jack mentions. He then speculates if Maxine is using Bateman. Maxine is a partial red head because she heard Jonny Ace likes them.
Jack talks about the tag team division being competitive with new teams forming. Regal talks about NXT being the place where Tag teams are getting featured. A package runs form last week that features Rex and Hawkins beating the Usos. We cut to the backstage and Striker is now interviewing Rex and Hawkins. Rex say they don’t need to piggy back of their ancestors to get somewhere in the business and sent the Usos, aka “the Jack Holes”, packing with their legs between their legs. Hawkins says he did a better impression of the Superfly drop last week than either of the Usos. He throws the signs and the two walk off.
Raw Rebound
Video recapping Raw from Monday. HHH is replaced by Johnny Ace on Raw. Johnny Ace fires JR for walking out on HHH after he gave him his job back. HHH confronts Johnny Ace: “You ever pick up your teeth with your broken fingers?” Punk vs. Del Rio is stopped and turned into a tag match. The two now face the returning Miz and Truth. Del Rio leaves Punk. Miz and Truth Double team Punk. Punk is saved by HHH. Jonny Ace makes HHH and Punk vs. Miz and Truth for Vengeance. Otunga in a sweater takes a sip of coffee as he agrees.
Rex and Hawkins vs. The Usos
Heels start on offense at first. Usos take over shortly after. The Usos are getting no reaction except on big spots. Hawkins is bumping great for the Usos. Rex doesn’t look as well in comparison, however. Hawkins is tossed outside of the ring. One Uso flies out of the ring at Hawkins. Rex comes over to help but gets jumped by the other Uso. The Usos roll back into the ring and stand proud as we cut to commercials.
As we come back Hawkins and Rex use the ropes and a tag to get back on offense. We get a recap of the flying dives as Regal puts it over. Rex and Hawkins go to work on one Uso. And dominate the match. One of the Usos is working the ropes getting some support. Regal and Jack continue talk about what is going on with NXT is about TV time and those who complain about it won’t be here much longer. Rex slams Hawkins on one of the Uso who has been in the ring a long time now. It’s building to a hot tag to take place. The Uso pulls the rope and Rex goes out of the ring. He then takes out Hawkins. The Hot tag is then made and the other Uso goes house on Rex and takes out Hawkins. He does a homage butt to the face of Rikishi. He goes for a pin. Then going to the top rope, but Rex picks him out of the air and turns it into a slam. Rex can’t believe he didn’t get the pin. Rex and Hawkins set up one Uso on the ropes, but he ducks away and Hawkins is knocked off the apron by Rex. Rex turns around and ducks a kick but a tag is made and it sets up a double super kick. Two Usos head to the top rope and do a double Superfly Splash on Rex from opposing corners. It’s the pin for the win. Regal after the bell loves it and says we need more of it.
WINNER: The Usos
Percy Watson with Titus O’Neil vs. Derrick Bateman with Maxine
Watson starts on offense because he’s quicker than Bateman. He gets a great drop kick early in the match with a quick pin attempt. It’s followed up with a slam and another pin attempt. Bateman takes over on offense by a mistake in the corner. Jack asks Regal if Maxine really loves Bateman. Regal says the world is full of people who use others for something. Percy is getting small spots of offense, but is squashed by Bateman before it can roll into something consistent. Titus is now working the crowd for Percy on the outside of the ring. He’s playing corner man for him as well now. Percy manages to take over on offense now. The crowd is into the false finish. Bateman manages to take over on offense again. Percy turns the table on Bateman and hits his finisher for the win. The crowd cheers. Maxine is shocked at the loss. She is seen after the match berating him while he’s laid out on the floor.
WINNER: Percy Watson
The logo runs in the corner, and that’s it.
Grash Says…
In the past, I have worked my NXT recaps as I would if one was doing a Live Raw recap. Now that NXT is really just a show on WWE.com and I can no longer watch it as it “airs” on the web, I am in the process of how I recap the show. The result to you my reader is I will be able to get a higher quality recap to you about the show. As, I know none of you actually watch the show anymore!.
I need to talk about AJ up front. I’m not trying to mean or demeaning to her. She’s a wonderful person and has earned her right to be where is now. My concern is that AJ is so tiny. So much so that during her match with Maxine I could clearly see AJ’s ribs. Each one. Well defined against her skin. There’s something about seeing that screams that’s not healthy or well for her. Granted there are other female wrestlers who look worse on the indies. But this is the WWE. It’s something I would never thing I would have to address. Again, I feel horrible writing this. As much as I do enjoy AJ’s work, there’s a sense of concern for her right now.
The NXT Power Couple, Maxine and Bateman, both lost their respective matches. The wild love of these two will be wild and angry love next week. I can leave it at there. You’ve probably seen enough porn to make your own conclusions to where this is heading.
Okay, Usos… I can’t tell the two apart. Seriously, these two could pull of twin magic and get away with it. So recapping their matches is very hard. I’m putting this back on the WWE. Yes, twin wresters are cool. The Bellas are a great example of this. However, if you’re trying to develop new talent, there needs to be some separation between the two. There are two simple ways to achieve this. First, the pair needs something visual to separate them. Something simple that could be added to their current outfit would do the job. Second, Commentary needs to say their first names more often. You can get away with out the first, but the second is critical and has to be done.
Where did Hawkins and Rex come from? The two a beaming with character and are a hoot to watch! Hawkins looks pretty polished in the ring. Rex on the other hand is still a bit rough around the edges in the ring. It is, what it is. The question here becomes, how does Rex develop as a talent going forward. Is he getting better month to month? If the answer is Yes, then NXT is doing its job as an incubator for the main roster then.