September 19, 2012
Full Sail University
Report by: Grash of Wrestleview.com
“Welcome Home”
Trent Baretta vs. Johnny Curtis
The match starts with establishment that Trent has no ring rust and is more agile than Curtis. Curtis wins on pure power between the two. Curtis gets a big blow on Trent and goes on the offensive as Trent plays face in peril. The crowd seems to be very quiet during the match. Trent manages to drop Curtis on the mat with a roll for a pin attempt. Trent follows it shortly after with a flip off the ropes. Commentary puts over Trent being hurt from it. Curtis bounces him off the ropes to setup a pinfall. A “Let’s Go Trent” chant continues. Curtis tries to go to the top rope, but misses Trent. Trent gets a running knee on Curtis to set up the pinfall for the win.
Winner: Trent Baretta
Paige vs. Alicia Fox
The two start with some acrobatic moves. Paige takes control of the match early on with several pin fall attempts. She would get chants from the crowd before a slap fight. Fox would take control of the match and go on the offensive. Fox would hit a Northern Lights suplex during Paige’s face in peril run. It would turn around for Paige and she would go on hot offense. Paige would plant Fox face first to setup the pinfall.
Winner: Paige
Raw Rebound
Jimmy Uso vs. Conor O’Brian
The crowd is clear in favor of the Usos as Jimmy starts the match on offense. Conor gets knocked out of the ring, but Conor would use the ropes to pull Jimmy out of the ring and take control. They would fight outside of the ring as Conor gets his damage in and re-takes control of the match. Connor would get stood up and Jimmy would take control of the match after a face in peril role. Jimmy goes to the top rope, but Kenneth drops Jimmy after getting hit by Jey. This leads to the pinfall and the win for Conor.
Winner: Conor O’Brian
After the match, the Ascension mauls Jey Uso in the ring. Regal states this is to make a point and show their dominance.
Backstage, Bo Dallas is getting interviewed. Michael McGillicutty walks in and breaks it up before Bo can talk. He takes over the screen and talks about being a real star. Bo pushes him back and then jumps him. They fall to the ground and are then separated by the refs as they yell at each other.
NXT Sparring Session
Ohno comes out to the ring. Oliver Grey is already in the ring. Ohno gets offensive in first. Graves gets a bit of offensive, but is stopped quickly. It leads to a hold and a tap out for Ohno. He then takes a mic and says that was easier than he expected and Grey wasn’t ready. So he’ll give him another shot. He asks the ref if he’s okay, so they go again. Ohno gets a spinning elbow and puts another submission on him. Another tap. Richie Steamboat’s music hits and he runs out to save the poor jobber of the day. Ohno ditches the ring and rolls to the back with a grin on his face.
We get a package of a man whom is talking like Jinder Mahal. It turns out to be Leo Kruger. He can’t wait to meet all of his new friends. And he’s got stuff to share and it will be special.
Rick Victor vs. Seth Rollins
Rick is out first and he’s got an epic rock music theme. We get a replay of Seth’s bitch slap from Rick from last week before Seth comes out. JR joins commentary for the main event. Rick controls the early part of the match as commentary puts over his history with the Hart Dungeon. Rollins would escape, but Victor would roll out of the ring and use the ropes to regain control of the match. Regal calls Victor a master craftsman as we go to commercial.
Rick is still in control as we come back. Commentary talks about how he’s been playing mind games with Rollins and it’s paying off for him. Commentary says that this could be a template for others to take on Rollins. Rollins would eventually hulk up and stand face to face with Victor. Victor gets slapped again and it charges up Rollins. He becomes blizzard and waves his tongue in the air. It is only moments before Rollins hit the Blackout for the pinfall.
Winner: Seth Rollins
Grash Says
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