2/28 ROH Results: Philadelphia, PA

Ring of Honor TV Taping Results – 2/28/09
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Results courtesy of ROHwrestling.com:

Dark matches

a) Bobby Dempsey & Andy “Right Leg” Ridge over “Dirty” Ernie Osiris & “Beautiful” Bobby Shields

b) Jon Kermon over Adam Cole

c) Grizzly Redwood over Corey Abbott

TV taping hour one/air date March 21

1) Jerry Lynn over Delirious after the Cradle Piledriver

2) Kenny King over Sami Callahan following Double Knees to the back and a Death Valley Driver into a DDT

3) Brent Albright over Rhett “Addicted to Love” Titus after a Crowbar

4) Television Taping Main Event #1 – Tyler Black over Jimmy Jacobs when reversed the End Time into a bridging pin. Brodie Lee leveled Tyler Black with a big boot after the match. Some highlights included Tyler missing a Lionsault, but then connecting on a Standing SSP. Jacobs blocked the Package Piledriver turning it into End Time leading to the finish.

Return dates for TV confirmed as April 9 and 10

TV taping hour two/air date March 28

5) Kevin Steen over Eddie Edwards after a Package Piledriver in a hard-hitting match

6) Sara Del Ray over Daizee Haze after the Royal Butterfly Suplex

7) Claudio Castagnoli over Alex “Sugerfoot” Payne following an Elevated Uppercut and the Ricola Bomb.

8) Television Taping Main Event #2 – ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness over Jay Briscoe with the Jawbreaker Lariat in a very competitive match. Match of the night to this point.

TV taping hour three/air date April 4

9) Erick Stevens over Sterling James Keenan thanks to the Doctor Bomb

10) The Dark City Fight Club of Kory Chavis & Jon Davis over Cheech and Cloudy after a Powerbomb/Neckbreaker Combo

11) Chris Hero with Larry Sweeney & Sara Del Ray over The Necro Butcher with a Loaded Elbow. Hero hit a Senton on Necro as he was rolled up in the floor mats and Necro slammed Hero with a steel chair on the floor during the match.

12) Television Taping Main Event #3 – “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson over Austin Aries when Aries tapped out while locked in the Triangle Choke. Dragon cut a promo post-match putting over the locker room and the fans.
