Video: The Undertaker and Kane take out Triple H and Shawn Michaels on RAW

WWE uploaded a clip (above) featuring the final segment for RAW on Monday night featuring the TV returns of The Undertaker and Kane before Super Show-Down.

Excerpt courtesy of Mike Tedesco’s RAW recap:

Michaels has the utmost respect for The Undertaker, but any day of the week and twice on Sunday he’d pick his best friend over anybody on God’s green earth. That upset The Undertaker. Undertaker made this personal. Undertaker has Kane in his corner, so Triple H has his brother in his corner. Michaels warns Kane about crowding the ring. If he does, he’ll be brushed back with some Sweet Chin Music.

Kane’s music hits, and the Mayor of Knoxville County appears behind Michaels in the ring. Michaels turns around, and Kane uppercuts him down.

The bell tolls, and Undertaker appears standing in the ring next to Kane! The crowd is going crazy. Undertaker stands over Michaels and signals for the end. Undertaker lifts him up for a Tombstone Piledriver, but Triple H’s music hits! Triple H comes down and punches away at Undertaker. Kane grabs Triple H, but he punches him back. Triple H goes back to punching Undertaker, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Triple H attacks, so Undertaker grabs him. Undertaker hits a Chokeslam on Triple H while Kane hits one on Shawn Michaels (who has a shaved head!). Undertaker and Kane stand tall in the ring before stopping when Triple H comes to. Undertaker then lays him out with a Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker and Kane then walk up the ramp and pose.
