– THQ is expected to reveal a new WWE video game at next month’s E3 convention in addition to the previously announced WWE Online game.
– John Cena Louisiana smackdown
– YesNetwork.com published its Top Nine Towel Uses in Sports, which included the Iron Sheik beating Bob Backlund for the WWF title when Arnold Skaaland threw in the towel at Madison Square Garden in 1983.
– From Melanie Adler: WWE developmental signee Jemma Palmer, aka Inferno on the British version of Gladiators, competed in her first professional wrestling match this past Saturday at Pro-Wrestling: EVE in the UK. Immediately following the match, Jemma caught up with Diva-Dirt.com’s Women of Wrestling Podcast to discuss her first pro match and the visa issues which are delaying her from reporting to FCW. Jemma tells us that she hopes to be in Florida next month (June) to begin work for WWE. WWE fans can get to know the newest Diva acquisition by listening to the full interview here: http://www.diva-dirt.com/2010/05/10/women-of-wrestling-podcast-episode-6-with-jemma-palmer/