New WWE United States Champion crowned tonight on Monday Night Raw from Chicago

Mysterio wins the US Title

Rey Mysterio defeated AJ Styles to win the WWE United States Championship tonight on Monday Night Raw. Mysterio won a Fatal 4-Way against Ricochet, Randy Orton, and Drew McIntyre earlier to earn the opportunity.

Here’s how it went down:

Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault that puts Styles into position. Mysterio hits a 619, but the momentum sends Styles into the referee to take him out. Anderson and Gallows run down and double-team Mysterio while the referee is down. Gallows and Anderson go for the Magic Killer, but Randy Orton runs down and takes them out. Styles misses a Phenomenal Forearm on Orton. Mysterio hits a hurricanrana into the ropes and connects with a 619! Orton RKOs Styles, and Mysterio hits a top rope splash for the win!

Winner and new WWE United States Champion: Rey Mysterio

For more, follow along on Mike Tedesco’s Raw Recap.
