From Linda McMahon’s campaign in response to last night debate:
BLUMENTHAL: “She took $10 million meant to create jobs and then laid off 10% of her work force and took home $46 million. That is a fact.”(Richard Blumenthal, Hartford Courant/Fox 61 Debate, 10/4/10)
WWE HIRING BACK WORKFORCE: “About those job reductions cited in Blumenthal’s ad. WWE spokesman Rob Zimmerman e-mailed this evening to note that the company is hiring, aiming at a total of 614 positions (including the 585 positions currently filled). Reaching that 614, Zimmerman said, would get WWE right ‘around where the company was job-wise pre 2009 workforce reduction.’ So if those jobs were ones McMahon is blamed for cutting, her family company is trying to bring them back.” (Tedd Mann, “Blumenthal’s latest ad: a sharpening tone?” New London Day, 10/1/10)
AND ADDING EVEN MORE WORKERS: “Zimmerman also said WWE plans to add 140 jobs in 2011, with the creation of a WWE cable network.” (Tedd Mann, “Blumenthal’s latest ad: a sharpening tone?” New London Day, 10/1/10