Email on WWE stock prices after Forbes article

Ken Konarzewski Jr. sent this in:

I thought I’d send the following update. As of your post on March 2nd in regards to Forbes saying you should purchase WWE (posted 3/1/11 at 12:20pm on this is the update if you invested (both on Forbes blog time and WV news update.)

March 1st Opening price- $12.78

March 2nd Opening price- $12.97

March 10th Price (11:40am)- $14.00

From March 1st, if you invested 500 shares or $6,390, it would now be worth $7,000, an increase of $610 or 9.55%. From March 2nd, if you invested 500 shares or $6,485, it would now be worth $7,000, an increase of $515 or 7.94%.

Just thought I’d forward that on to you guys.
