WWE signs OSU wrestler, Jannetty, Smackdown timeline

WWE signs Oregon State wrestler to three year deal

The official website for Oregon State is featuring an article on WWE signing former heavyweight Clayton Jack to a three year deal. Jack will report shortly to WWE’s NXT developmental territory in Florida on 1/24. Jack is quoted in the article adding, “The training ground they have in Tampa is specifically designed to train athletes there the style that WWE has. So I will be learning strictly how the WWE performs their wrestling moves and trains their athletes.” To view the full article, click here. [Oregon State University]

Marty Jannetty officially part of WWE Alumni section

WWE.com has added Marty Jannetty to the Alumni section of the website. The section features photos and videos of Jannetty’s wrestling career along with a bio looking at his time as part of The Rockers tag team with Shawn Michaels. To view the profile, click here. [WWE.com]

WWE creates timeline of Smackdown from 2002 to 2012

WWE.com has created a timeline highlighting major events for Smackdown from 2002 to 2012. The show tomorrow night marks the 700th episode of Smackdown since it debuted in August 1999. To view the timeline, click here. [WWE.com]

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