Bret Hart is not a fan of Hogan inducting Randy Savage

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart recently did an interview on Live Audio Wrestling and the recap was posted on Here is some excerpts from the interview:

On Daniel Bryan’s position on WrestleMania 31:

“All I can say is when I wrestled Lex Luger in the Royal Rumble back in 1994 and I ended up getting the title a few months later, it was very similar to what is going on with Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan now but they went against what the fans wanted and I think that it may bite them on the ass because my logical thinking is you give the fans what they want or you should anyway. I don’t know why they went against the grain, I think Daniel Bryan was a great champion and had his run was cut short and I think fans wanted to see him get that moment that he deserves. Even though he won the title and WrestleMania last year was such a big thing for him, the fans want to see him get his proper chance and I think the WWE put a line through that and I think that’s probably a mistake.”

On not being a fan of Hulk Hogan inducting Randy Savage into the Hall of Fame:

“Well I know we were a lot closer than Hogan was. I’m not quite sure why Hulk Hogan of all people is inducting him because my last conversations I had with Randy, he didn’t have much good to say about Hogan.” Bret Hart Doesn’t Get Daniel Bryan’s Position At ‘Mania Or Why Hogan Is Inducting Randy Savage
