Brie Bella talks about Daniel Bryan’s current recovery

Steve Holden of BBC’s Newsbeat is featuring an interview with WWE Diva Brie Bella where she talks about the current injury recovery of her husband Daniel Bryan.

“My husband is stronger than any man I have ever met. There have been some very positive things in his recovery. I think a lot of people wrestling for 16 years like him would have given up. But not him. He has such a fight in him so I feel you will see him back in that ring. It hurts when I’m packing my bags and I’m on the road and he’s still at home. I just went two weeks without seeing him and that was really hard. He needs a lot of prayers. We talk about this daily and he will get back in that ring. That is his goal and I believe in him. I really do.”

BBC: WWE’s Brie Bella: Husband Daniel Bryan ‘will get back in the ring’
