Chelsea Green on Tough Enough elimination, upset at Miz

Recently eliminated WWE Tough Enough finalist Chelsea Green did an interview with Brian Fritz of on Wednesday, talking about her time on the show, her future and more. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On still being upset at the Miz:

“I’m still pissed at The Miz. You know what though — it’s fate. If this doesn’t work out for me this way, then I’m going to have to work even harder and make sure I get to the top another way.”

On if she has spoken to her trainer, Lance Storm, after her elimination:

“Yes. We spoke last night right after the elimination because he’s always got positive encouragement for me and some motivation. We spoke a little bit and it made me feel better. He warned me — there’s going to be a million people that say no before one person says yes. So, he just makes sure to remind me of that and make sure that I’m not discouraged, that I get back in the ring and get training.”

On if her advanced training led to her elimination:

“It’s very hard when you start working as a wrestler to try and stop doing things that are second nature. For me, when I take a move and start selling, that is second nature for me. And these moves aren’t fake, they do hurt. It’s hard to take those things you’ve learned and stop using them. I was lucky enough to have someone like Lance to instill those things into me. I had a really tough time of taking them out of my repertoire.” Chelsea Green still upset over WWE ‘Tough Enough’ elimination
