Chris Kelly sent this in:
I saw that someone had problems with the WWE “Street team” application form so I tried it out and it was successful. The “Zip” code is just another name for post code so if you enter your post code it will work fine. I entered all my details and the website when to a page that said the following:
“Thank you for your interest in the WWE Street Team Program. We will respond to your application shortly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at”
Osaid Ahmad sent this in:
Just wanted to tell you that I was able to fill that street team WWE form. I also didn?t encounter any zip code that I need to provide. I’m from Pakistan but I will have to agree that for a company of WWE’s stature the form is very poor they could have told the word count for the descriptions and
make it more simpler.
Daniel Wood sent this in:
I just had my application accepted and the ‘E are reviewing it now. Apparently I’ll be emailed shortly regarding it, so I’ll let WV know how it turns out.
Regarding Austin Allen’s email on the WWE street team – it asks for a zip code or a post code. The UK use post codes (such as someone living in Warrington would have WA, a number, then three other numbers pertaining to where they live) as to a few other european countries.
Also, the ‘short description’ is VERY literal. It has a restrictive word count – if you can scroll the box down, you’ve written too much.
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