L. Anne Carrington sent this report in:
The first round of Pro Wrestling Guerilla’s 2009 Battle of Los Angeles took place on Friday, November 20 at American Legion #308 in Reseda, CA:
1. Cutlers over Jackson/Ryan with a double tombstone. Some sloppy moves in places, but those who attended say it was a good way to start the event.
2. Scott Lost defeated Jerome ?LTP? Robinson with a head kick. Lost took in the most offense, with some very good spots.
3. Human Tornado scored victory vs. Matt Jackson with a DND. Jackson dubbed Human Tornado “Kunta Kinte” for heat. There were several blown spots during the match, but the character work more than compensated.
4. Joey Ryan won with a super kick against Colt Cabana. Both faces had to work to create heat, but the match was tight and ran smoothly.
5. Roderick Strong beat Johnny Goodtime (replacing Chris Sabin, who had to pull out due to injury) via Stronghold submission. It appeared Strong wasn’t familiar with Goodtimes’s offense, leading to some stilted moments, but the overall match was well done.
6. Brandon Gatson over Nick Jackson via pinfall.
7. Brian Kendrick defeated Austin Aries. Very competitive work from dueling promos, low blows, knee drops, and hair pulling. Kendrick pulled off the victory when he fell on Aries after being struck with Aries? ROH belt. Amusing conclusion saw the two heading to the bar together for drinks. Kendrick ordered beer. Aries ordered white wine. Said to be the heel match of the night.
8. Kenny Omega eliminated Kevin Steen with a rollup. Lots of promos from both before the match commenced. Both contenders were over with the crowd.
9. Alex Shelley over El Generico with a top rope Shinui, Finishing sequence was excellent and Shelley got some mic time.
Quarter-final line up for Saturday, November 21:
Kenny Omega vs. Scott Lost
Brandon Gatson vs. Alex Shelley
Brian Kendrick vs. Joey Ryan
Roderick Strong vs. Human Tornado
Matches will be followed by the winners of the quarter and semi-finals going on to determine the 2009 Battle of Los Angeles Champion. Bell time is at 8PM.
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