Tony Khan addresses Cody’s unprotected chair shot to the head, Says it was a mistake

In a post show media appearance that can be seen on Chris Van Vliet’s YouTube Channel, All Elite Wrestling President Tony Khan addressed the unprotected chair shot Cody to took the head from Shawn Spears after his match with Darby Allin at Saturday night’s Fyter Fest Pay-Per View event in Daytona Beach, FL. 

Khan addressed the chair shot at the beginning of the interview and noted that precautions were taken in the situation and that a doctor was available.  AEW also provided an update on Twitter (see below) that Cody received 12 staples and no concussion. 

You can see a clip of the chair shot in Mike Tedesco’s Fyter Fest recap.  In addition Mike and Victoria Tedesco also discussed this during the 42:30 mark of last night’s Wrestleview Live Fyter Fest Podcast Review (view below).
