Audio: “Friday Fishbowl” for April 15, 2011

The latest edition of the “Friday Fishbowl” for Friday, April 15, 2011 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of and special guest host/VIP member Red and Yellow.

Questions answered on this week’s edition of the Friday Fishbowl for April 15, 2011:

Question #1: (Submitted by Dane from Down Under)
Can you give a for-and-against argument looking at what would happen if WWE was to cut Smackdown, and only air Monday Night Raw as their weekly (2 hour) television product?

Question #2: (Submitted by Darragh O’Connor)
Jeff Hardy…What should be done with him?

Question #3: (Submitted by BWU)
Which Wrestleview staff member would you most associate with the following adjectives (All positive, you can use the same one as many times as you want).

1. Grumpy
2. Sleepy
3. Happy
4. Bashful
5. Musical
6. Obscure
7. Lively
8. Righteous
9. Sincere
10. Charming
11. Alert
12. Boundless
13. Dashing
14. Determined
15. Pork lover (Porkapalooza)
16. Romantic
17. Cultured
18. Adaptable
19. Protective
20. Crafty
