Audio: “Friday Fishbowl” for May 13, 2011

The latest edition of the “Friday Fishbowl” for Friday, May 13, 2011 is now archived and airing exclusively on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Adam Martin (Editor in Chief of and special guest host VIP member Jason (aka jerseyviper).

Questions answered on this week’s edition of the Friday Fishbowl for May 13, 2011:

Question #1: (Submitted by Turf from Chicago)
This is my first email as an official VIP member so I decided to send a question to the Fishbowl since I hear requests so here it goes: Does the entrance music that a superstar has correlate to their lasting star-power in the WWE or any wrestling promotion for that matter?”

Question #2: (Submitted by Darragh O’Connor)
Looking back do you think the name change to WWE by the WWF has contributed to the current PG era and entertaintment emphasis of shows like Raw?

Question #3: (Submitted by Frank (OmegaAbyss))
How did the Friday Fishbowl come about?
