WWF Royal Rumble Results
January 19, 1991
Miami, Florida (Miami Arena)
Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
Video: The American Flag is shown waving on the screen.
Howard Finkel announces the National Anthem will be played. A recording of the Military Band’s version of “The Star-Spangled Banner” plays. The crowd chants, “USA!”
Video: Vince McMahon narrates a video of the participants that will be in tonight’s Royal Rumble match. He then goes through the undercard for the evening, including a WWF Championship match with the Ultimate Warrior defending against the Sgt. Slaughter, the Iraqi sympathizer.
Gorilla Monsoon and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Piper is on fire and pays tribute to the troops that are fighting for the United States.
Tag Team Match
The Orient Express (Kato and Tanaka) w/ Mr. Fuji vs. The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)
As Marty Jannetty poses on the turnbuckles during the entrance, Tanaka knocks him to the floor. Shawn Michaels goes after Kato, but Tanaka quickly cuts him off. The Orient Express sends Michaels into the ropes for a double-team back body drop. Tanaka grabs Michaels and holds him up. Jannetty dropkicks Kato out of the ring and hits Tanaka with a crescent kick. The Rockers then send Tanaka into the ropes for a double-team slam. Kato pulls Tanaka out of the ring and regroups at ringside with Mr. Fuji. The Rockers then take Kato and Tanaka out with stereo suicide dives! The Rockers get in the ring and are fired up. Mr. Fuji is not pleased.
Kato soon gets in the ring and will square off against Jannetty. A “USA” chant picks up. Kato is furious and gesticulates to the crowd. They lock up, and Jannetty applies a side headlock. Kato tries to whip him off, but Jannetty keeps the hold applied. Kato tries to power him up, but Jannetty rolls through into a headlock takeover. Kato fights up and elbows out before whipping him into the ropes. Kato drops down and leapfrogs him. Jannetty avoids a roll-up, but Kato soon hits a hip toss. Jannetty grapevines the head, but Kato rolls through. They bridge up, and Jannetty hits a backslide pin for a two-count. They lock up, and Kato pushes him near his corner. Tanaka gets a cheap shove in. Jannetty turns, and Kato attacks him from behind. Tanaka tags in. Jannetty reverses a whip on Kato, leapfrogs him, and drives Kato into Tanaka. Jannetty catches Tanaka with an arm drag and applies an armbar. Tanaka fights up, and Michaels comes off the ropes with a double ax handle to the arm. Michaels takes him down with a hammerlock and works on the arm. Tanaka gets to his feet and whips Michaels off. Michaels shoulder blocks him down and hits the ropes, but Tanaka takes him out with a flying forearm for a two-count. Mr. Fuji laughs at ringside.
Tanaka goes to a rear chin lock. Tanaka cinches it in, but the crowd will Michaels to his feet. Michaels whips him off, but Kato blind tags in. Michaels nearly sends the Orient Express into each other again and clunks their heads together instead. Michaels sends Tanaka into the ropes for a high knee to the face. Michaels connects with a snapmare for a two-count. Michaels applies a rear chin lock. Tanaka fights up and elbows out. Tanaka hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and Michaels catches him with a sleeper hold. Kato comes in, so Jannetty runs in to stop him. The referee stops Jannetty and backs him up, allowing Kato to go off the middle rope with a chop to Michaels’ neck. Michaels slowly gets up, and Tanaka sweeps the legs. Tanaka hits some straight right hands to the face before pulling him up to his feet and chopping him. Tanaka punches him in the corner until Michaels spins him around and unloads on him. Kato runs in, but Jannetty cuts him off. Michael climbs to the top rope and hits Kato with a moonsault block! Michaels punches away at Tanaka. The Rockers try to whip the Orient Express into each other, but they do-si-do in the middle of the ring and attack the Rockers instead. The Orient Express tries to whip the Rockers into each other, but Michaels jumps over Jannetty. The Rockers flip through stereo atomic drop attempts and hit stereo dropkicks!
The Orient Express rolls out of the ring. The Rockers fake dives to the floor. Jannetty then comes off the top rope with a cross-body block to the floor on Tanaka. Michaels then comes off the top rope with a cross-body block on Kato on the floor! The Rockers stand tall in the ring. Kato gets in, so Michaels hits him with a snapmare for a two-count. Michaels tags Jannetty in, and they hit a double-team back elbow for a two-count. Jannetty immediately goes to a rear chin lock. Kato fights up, but Jannetty stops him. Michaels tags in, and Jannetty punches Kato in the ribs. Michaels connects with a delayed vertical suplex, but Tanaka breaks up the pin. Michaels sends Kato to the corner and goes for a monkey flip, but Tanaka pulls him throat-first onto the top rope to save Kato. Kato stomps away at Michaels until the referee backs him up. Tanaka pulls Michaels to the apron, and Mr. Fuji smashes him in the throat with his cane.
Tanaka tags in and chops Michaels’ injured throat. Tanaka pulls Michaels to his feet and hits a karate chop. Kato tags in and hangs Michaels on the top rope. Tanaka leapfrogs Kato and splashes Michaels against the ropes. Kato covers, but Jannetty breaks up the pin. Tanaka comes in and stomps Michaels. Tanaka punches Michaels in the throat and applies a nerve hold. Tanaka wears Michaels down, so the referee starts checking the hand. One drop… two drops… Michaels holds it up before the third. Tanaka punches away at Michaels and tags Kato in. Kato chops Michaels down. Michaels fights back with some kicks. Kato reverses a whip to the opposite corner, and Michaels rolls up the turnbuckle and lands on the apron. Tanaka immediately superkicks Michaels over the top rope back into the ring. The Orient Express hits a double-team clothesline, and Tanaka picks up a two-count. Tanaka punches Michaels in the head and sends him into the ropes, but Michaels drops him with a facebuster. Michaels crawls to his corner, but Kato runs in and knocks Jannetty off the apron. Kato takes off his black belt and gives one end to Tanaka. They send Michaels into the ropes for a clothesline with the belt, but Michaels jumps onto it and drives Kato into Tanaka! The Orient Express is down!
Jannetty tags in to a huge reception. Jannetty punches Kato and Tanaka down. Jannetty hits them both with scoop slams and dropkicks. Jannetty sends Kato into the ropes for a scoop powerslam to pick up a two-count. Jannetty sends Kato into the ropes for a back elbow and covers, but Tanaka breaks it up at one. Michaels knocks Tanaka out of the ring. Kato sends Jannetty into the ropes, and they start to battle for a backslide. Tanaka comes in and hits Jannetty with a crescent kick to let Kato get a near fall. Kato sends Jannetty into the ropes, but Michaels takes Kato down. The Rockers knock Tanaka away and hit Kato with a double crescent kick. Michaels heads to the top rope. Jannetty goes to slam Michaels onto Kato, but Tanaka knocks Jannetty into Michaels to knock him to ringside! Kato hits Jannetty with a sloppy scoop slam and gives him a slingshot into a chop from Tanaka. Kato tries it again, but Michaels attacks Tanaka and Kato. Kato inadvertently catapults Jannetty into Tanaka with a sunset flip to pick up the win!
Winners by Pinfall: The Rockers
Mike’s Thoughts: What. A. Match! This might be one of the top matches of its era that doesn’t get nearly enough recognition. The Orient Express, though designed as a midcard gimmick to stoke xenophobia in fans (as was common for the time), delivered an unexpectedly awesome performance. There’s an interesting backstory here, too: this same match happened at WrestleMania VI but with Akio instead of Kato. After Akio left WWF in late 1990, Paul Diamond donned a mask to become Kato and keep the team going.
But back to the match itself… it was fantastic. Shawn Michaels often gets praise for his legendary singles career, but wow, he and Marty Jannetty were an incredible tag team. Michaels took up much of the spotlight here, and it’s no wonder he eventually broke out as one of the best singles wrestlers the company ever produced.
Clocking in at nearly 20 minutes, this was a classic in an era not particularly known for great in-ring wrestling. It’s an absolute must-watch and a standout gem from this era of WWF wrestling.
Backstage Interview
Sean Mooney is with “The Macho King” Randy Savage. Savage says he’s the greatest WWF Champion ever and is the No. 1 contender. He doesn’t care who wins the title tonight because he has a commitment from Sgt. Slaughter which says he’ll get a title shot if he wins. Mooney says Savage is getting ahead of himself. Does he have that same commitment from current champion, The Ultimate Warrior? Savage says that’ll happen in a few seconds when Sensational Queen Sherri does it right now.
In the Miami Arena, “Mean” Gene Okerlund comes out to the interview platform with Sensational Queen Sherri. Sherri says she is here to make a public challenge to The Ultimate Warrior. Sgt. Slaughter has promised “The Macho King” Randy Savage that should he win the WWF Championship tonight, he promised to grant him a championship match. Being the brave and honorable man we know Sgt. Slaughter is, there is no doubt in her mind and heart that he will come through with every promise made to the Kingdom of the Madness. She only hopes that the Ultimate Warrior is as honorable as everyone thinks he is, but she has her doubts. Sherri calls out the Ultimate Warrior. If he is as brave and honorable as everyone says, he should come out and accept her challenge. Sherri says Warrior is yellow. He’s not brave or honorable. As a matter of fact, she thinks Warrior is yellow from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes.
WWF Champion The Ultimate Warrior heads to the interview platform. Warrior sneers at Sherri and feels the power from the crowd. Okerlund asks Warrior what he’s going to do. Sherri says Warrior is a wonderful champion. Will he grant the Macho King a title shot if he retains his title? Warrior stares at her. Sherri says she’s admired him for a long time. She’s looked into his beautiful eyes and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. She’s always looked at his chest and wondered what it would be like to touch his chest. She unzips the jacket he’s wearing and reveals his upper back. She compliments his back and his hair. Is Warrior brave and honorable? Will he give the Macho King a title match? Sherri gives him a peck on the lips. Warrior smirks. Sherri says that’s the most thrilling thing that’s happened to her. She knows he’ll grant the Macho King his title shot. Sherri is on her knees. Warrior smiles and then spits on the ground. Warrior shakes in wildness and screams, “NO!” Warrior celebrates and leaves.
Sherri is fuming. Backstage, Savage is flipping out in the locker room. Savage says he will get the Warrior and runs out of his room. Savage runs into the Miami Arena and up the aisleway. He doesn’t find the Warrior. Sherri is screaming in rage.
Mike’s Thoughts: This got a touch creepy, but the Ultimate Warrior’s big “NO” got a great reaction. This is laying the foundation for what will happen later in the night.
The Barbarian w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs. The Big Boss Man
The bell rings. The Barbarian stays at ringside with Bobby Heenan. They want the referee to remove the nightstick from the Big Boss Man. They take a lot of time stalling.
The Barbarian finally gets in the ring, and the crowd chants, “Weasel” at Bobby Heenan. This match has already started. It’s been a few minutes, and nothing has happened. Barbarian finally knees Boss Man in the midsection and punches him several times. Boss Man reverses a whip into the ropes and big boots him. Boss Man then shoulder-tackles him out of the ring. Bobby Heenan runs over to give advice. Boss Man exits the ring and attacks Barbarian, ramming him into the ring post. Boss Man gets back in the ring and paces around. Barbarian gets on the apron and thumbs Boss Man in the eyes. Barbarian heads to the top rope and leaps, but Boss Man punches him in the midsection. Boss Man hits the ropes and hits a clothesline over the top rope that also sends him over. Boss Man gets in the ring and celebrates.
Bobby Heenan gives more advice to the Barbarian. Boss Man punches Barbarian as he gets in the ring. Barbarian reverses a whip and hits a vertical suplex. Barbarian soon pulls him up to his feet and hits a clothesline. Boss Man struggles to get to his feet. Barbarian knocks him nearly out of the ring with a right hand, but Boss Man gets his feet tied up in the ropes. Boss Man is hanging upside down toward the floor. Barbarian punches away at Boss Man. Barbarian unties Boss Man’s feet, scoops him up, and drives him into the ring post. Bobby Heenan sheepishly approaches Boss Man and kicks him in the kidneys. Boss Man crawls into the ring, and Barbarian clubs away at him. Barbarian lifts Boss Man and hits a rib-breaker for a near fall. Barbarian locks on a bear hug. Boss Man tries to fight through the pain and soon claps his ears to escape. Barbarian floors him with a right hand and drops three elbows for a two-count. Barbarian immediately goes back to the bear hug. Boss Man is struggling, but he head-butts and bites him to get out of the hold.
Boss Man is really exhausted and is sucking wind hardcore. Boss Man sends him into the ropes for a kick, but Barbarian blocks it. Boss Man counters with an enzuigiri. Both men are down. Boss Man soon rolls over and covers for a near fall. Boss Man punches away at the Barbarian and sends him to the corner. Boss Man charges, but Barbarian moves. Barbarian rolls him up for a two-count. Boss Man pops up and misses a clothesline, but he soon flapjacks Barbarian into the top rope. Boss Man covers, but Barbarian gets a hand on the bottom rope to break the pin. They then hit the ropes and clunk heads.
They’re both down again, and Heenan is pounding the mat. Barbarian is the first to his feet and heads to the top rope. Barbarian connects with a diving clothesline and covers, but Boss Man gets a foot on the bottom rope. Boss Man reverses a whip and connects with a Boss Man Slam! Boss Man takes a moment to recover and covers, but Barbarian gets his fingertips on the bottom rope. Barbarian pokes Boss Man in the eyes and hits a bad piledriver. Barbarian jumped up and lost Boss Man on that. Barbarian heads to the top rope for a cross-body block, but Boss Man rolls through and picks up the win!
Winner by Pinfall: The Big Boss Man
Mike’s Thoughts: This was peak Big Boss Man, the version that was my absolute favorite. He was by far my go-to action figure when I was a kid, battling it out against the other toys I had in my plastic blue WWF ring. I still have that Boss Man toy somewhere at my mother’s house, and I really need to locate it next time I’m over. I know it’s seen better days. Funny story: one year, as I got older, Boss Man somehow ended up at the bottom of our pool just as we covered it for the season. Poor Boss Man spent a long, cold winter underwater before being heroically rescued in the spring. To this day, I have no idea how he got there. Amazingly, his color sort of held up through the ordeal.
Looking at this card and seeing Boss Man vs. Barbarian, I didn’t have high expectations for this. This was by no means a technical masterpiece, but they worked their butts off (Boss Man was really gasping for air toward the end) and pulled off a more than decent match.
Backstage Interview
Sgt. Slaughter, clad in his Iraqi headgear, is with General Adnan. Adnan shouts in Arabic something along the lines of (according to Google Translate), “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Dear Arab Brothers, we present to you the hero, Sgt. Slaughter.” Slaughter calls Mooney a “puke” and warns him to shut his hole. Slaughter says if you think there is turmoil in the world today, wait until he leaves this area and heads to the ring to face The Ultimate Puke for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. When he defeats him and becomes the new WWF Champion, then you will see some turmoil like you’ve never seen before. Slaughter says, “What these maggots need is a leader, and I, Sgt. Slaughter will be their leader.” Warrior’s weeks, days, and hours are no longer numbered. His seconds are numbered. Slaughter says, “Ultimate Puke, you are dismissed, and that is an order.” Slaughter grunts at the camera.
Backstage Interview
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is with WWF Champion The Ultimate Warrior. Who will be giving the orders in the ring tonight? Warrior says Sgt. Slaughter’s orders fall on deaf ears. He only takes orders from the warriors on his back. What about the turmoil Slaughter has created? Warrior says the turmoil is only a grain of sand in his desert of defeat. Okerlund asks what kind of leader Slaughter would be. Warrior says his warriors would never accept Slaughter as a leader. He’ll leave the Ultimate Victor.
Gorilla Monsoon gives a disclaimer, saying Sgt. Slaughter’s views do not reflect those of the World Wrestling Federation.
WWF Championship
Sgt. Slaughter w/ General Adnan vs. The Ultimate Warrior (c)
As the Ultimate Warrior runs into the ring, Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan try to clothesline him with the Iraqi flag. Warrior ducks it twice and takes them out with a double clothesline. The flagpole snaps. Warrior punches Slaughter out of the ring before sending Adnan over the top rope. Warrior picks up the flag and snaps the flagpole again before ripping the flag in two. The crowd is going wild, and Adnan heads to the back.
The bell has run to start this match. Warrior punches Slaughter with the broken flagpole pieces and clotheslines him down. Warrior punches Slaughter to the corner and sticks the flag in his mouth. Warrior whips him to the opposite corner, kicks him, and hits an uppercut. Warrior sends him into the ring post, and Slaughter falls on the mat. Warrior chokes Slaughter with the flag and sends him to the corner for a back body drop. Warrior chops Slaughter to the corner and whips him hard into the opposite corner sternum-first. Warrior clotheslines him in the corner and sends him hard into the corner, knocking Slaughter out of the ring.
Sensational Queen Sherri comes to ringside. Warrior goes to ringside and chokes Slaughter with the flag again. Warrior gets Slaughter in the ring and hits the ropes for a shoulder block. Warrior hits a second one. Warrior goes back into the ropes, but Sherri grabs his ankle. Warrior angrily chases her to the back. Suddenly, “The Macho King” Randy Savage blindsides Warrior. Savage punches him down and hits him with some lighting equipment. In the ring, Slaughter is distracting the referee. The referee begins counting Warrior out, but Slaughter stops it. The title cannot change hands by count-out. Warrior stumbles down the aisleway as Slaughter continues to interrupt the count. The crowd is buzzing and willing the Warrior on. Slaughter goes outside and sends Warrior into the ring. Slaughter kicks Warrior in the ribs and taunts the crowd. Slaughter clubs the back a few times. Slaughter picks Warrior up and hits a backbreaker. Slaughter spits on the Warrior and mocks the crowd. The crowd is furious. Slaughter bounces him off the turnbuckle and sends him into the ropes. Warrior ducks a clothesline, and they wipe each other out with a double clothesline.
Both men struggle to get to their feet. They both slowly get up, and Slaughter threatens a club before applying a bear hug. Warrior struggles to withstand the pain. The crowd chants, “USA” to will the Warrior on. Warrior seems to be fading, but his legs keep shaking to show signs of life. Warrior gets a burst of adrenaline and calls to the mysterious power of the warriors. Warrior strikes out and connects with a scoop slam. Warrior immediately grabs his back in pain and falls to his knees. Slaughter quickly attacks the back and drops some elbows on him. Slaughter connects with a backbreaker and rolls him over to stomp the back. Slaughter applies a Camel Clutch, but Warrior’s legs are so under the bottom rope that they’re hanging off the apron. The referee eventually makes Slaughter release it. For whatever reason, Slaughter thinks Warrior submitted. Slaughter starts to argue with the referee. Slaughter begins to attack the Warrior, but the Warrior is impervious to the pain. Warrior parades around the ring and punches Slaughter down. Warrior hits the ropes and connects with a trio of clotheslines. Warrior hits the ropes and connects with a diving shoulder tackle.
All of a sudden, Queen Sherri runs down with the Macho King’s scepter. She gets on the apron and yells at Warrior. Warrior grabs her by the hair and brings her into the ring the hard way. Warrior pulls her by the hair and presses her above his head. Randy Savage runs to ringside, and Warrior sends Sherri over the top rope into Savage! Slaughter attacks Warrior from behind and chokes him on the middle rope. The referee backs Slaughter up. As the referee is dealing with Slaughter, Savage returns to smash Warrior in the head with the scepter! Slaughter pulls Warrior back and drops an elbow to pick up the win!
Winner by Pinfall and new WWF Champion: Sgt. Slaughter
The crowd is furious and chants, “Bulls—t!” Warrior rolls out of the ring and runs to the back, now a former champion. Slaughter stands in the ring, looking completely exhausted, and he listens to Howard Finkel announce his name as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. The crowd and the commentators are outraged. Slaughter walks off with Warrior’s purple WWF Championship belt.
Mike’s Thoughts: Well, that was certainly a match. The heat for it was incredible… but that’s probably not a great thing, considering what was going on at the time. Operation Desert Storm began two days before this. There was a lot of uncertainty in America in terms of just how deeply involved the country was going to be and how long this would go. Having Sgt. Slaughter sympathizing with Iraq because it was a brutal government was hitting too close to home for many people, especially with loved ones overseas fighting in the conflict, and led to a lot of negativity toward the company. Looking at it today, it’s kind of gross, but I won’t start applying retroactive morality to this product because thirty years ago, this was par for the course. Also, considering the person running the company had a lifetime of struggles with morality (Vince McMahon), none of this is surprising.
They worked hard, but it wasn’t a great match. The heat and the title change made it memorable. Sgt. Slaughter was the thirteenth WWF Champion in the company’s history. By this point in his career, he was well past his prime, but he was trying to bump around as he did at the Madison Square Garden shows in the classic matches against Pat Patterson in the early 1980s. The Randy Savage involvement was wise because it gave the Ultimate Warrior a strong out for losing the title. That scepter to the head looked absolutely brutal.
WrestleMania VII is coming to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on March 24, 1991 (except it wasn’t at that stadium because “they couldn’t secure it” (actually, the demand was very low)).
Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie w/ “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart
The bell rings, and Ware gets the crowd going. They lock up, and Mountie backs him into the ropes. Ware avoids a punch and does his bird dance. Ware taunts Jimmy Hart. Mountie kicks Ware and punches him back. Ware ducks a back elbow and connects with a dropkick. The Mountie rolls out of the ring and is frustrated. Jimmy Hart talks strategy with him. The Mountie gets back in the ring, and they lock up. Ware wrenches the arm, but Mountie backs him into the ropes and whips him off. Mountie leapfrogs him twice. As he tries a third one, Ware puts the brakes on and punches him down. Ware hits an arm drag and continues to work over the arm. Frankie the parrot is perched at ringside. Mountie fights up and punches out. Ware punches back and charges, but Mountie hits him with a back body drop over the top rope.
Mountie goes to ringside and grabs his cattle prod. Jimmy Hart distracts the referee as Mountie hits Ware with the cattle prod. Mountie gets him in the ring and squeezes Ware’s face. Mountie taunts the crowd. Jimmy Hart is trash-talking Frankie, the parrot. Wow. Mountie smashes Ware’s face off the top turnbuckle and talks more trash to the crowd. Mountie sends him into the ropes for a back elbow. Mountie chokes him momentarily. Mountie sends him into the ropes, but Ware hits a sunset flip for a two-count. Mountie ties up the limbs and sends Ware out of the ring. Hart continues to trash-talk a bird. Ware gets on the apron, and Mountie chokes him on the ropes. Mountie sets up for a piledriver, but Ware counters with a back body drop. The Mountie is immediately back on his feet and clubs away at the back. Mountie this a snapmare and kicks him in the ribs. Mountie sends him into the ropes, but Ware drops him with a swinging neckbreaker.
Ware gets to his feet and is flapping the wings. Ware blocks a kick and head-butts him. Ware connects with a running head-butt, followed by a scoop slam. Ware heads to the top rope for a missile dropkick, and he sticks the landing. He covers Mountie but quickly gets up to swing at Jimmy Hart, who isn’t even on the apron. Ware spends a few moments leaning against the ropes and looking over his shoulder for Mountie to transition to the next spot. Ware punches him and soon hits a springboard cross-body block for a two-count. Ware ducks a clothesline and leapfrogs him, but Mountie catches him with a (sort of) chokeslam for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: The Mountie
Mike’s Thoughts: Yuck. This wasn’t great. The Mountie gimmick was still brand-new, so Jacques Rougeau was likely ironing out the kinks—and there were plenty to work on. According to ProFightDB, this was only his third match as The Mountie after being off television for a year. His last televised bout was the tag match at the previous year’s Royal Rumble, which also marked the retirement of his brother and tag partner, Raymond Rougeau.
Unfortunately, this match was a dud. Jacques is a better worker than this, but he seemed a bit heavier here, which might have affected his performance. Koko B. Ware, who also looked slightly out of shape, didn’t bring much to the table either.
It happened, and now we move on.
Locker Room Interview
Sean Mooney is in the locker room with “The Macho King” Randy Savage and Sensational Queen Sherri. Savage is pacing around. Mooney chastises Savage for getting involved in the WWF Championship match. Savage says he’s the greatest of all time and is still the champion. He should have made the commitment to make him the No. 1 Contender. There is pounding on the door and yelling, which sounds like the Ultimate Warrior. Savage and Sherri run off scared.
Back in the Miami Arena, Gorilla Monsoon and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper are upset about the WWF Championship match and pick holes in the referee’s logic to let the match continue.
Backstage Interview
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is with new WWF Champion Sergeant Slaughter and General Adnan. Slaughter and Adnan are quite pleased. Slaughter tells Okerlund to “shut his hole.” Slaughter gives the orders. When he says he’s going to do something, you better believe he’ll do it. While everyone else was aligning with the Ultimate Puke, Slaughter was digging in. Slaughter takes whatever he wants. Now, they can start to respect him. Slaughter has no boundaries, unlike today’s military. When he says he’s going to crush and defeat someone, he will do it. Slaughter says, “I have just begun to fight. You maggots are all dismissed. I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion, and that’s an order.” Adnan shouts in Arabic. Google Translate says he is shouting, “O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.”
We return to the announce desk in the Miami Arena, and Gorilla Monsoon and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper are infuriated by that interview. Piper nearly breaks his headset in anger.
Video: Before the event, WWF crew caught up with some fans. They all give messages of support to the men and women of the armed forces.
Gorilla Monsoon claims that Hulk Hogan had a tour of Saudi Arabia set up, but the Department of Defense canceled it. Hogan will instead tour some military bases this coming week. Piper says he doesn’t always agree with Hogan, but this is a great thing.
Pre-Taped Interview Segments
Jake “The Snake” Roberts says 29 men are ready for the Royal Rumble, but only one Snake knows what to do. He is cold. Ice water runs through his veins. Like a surgeon, he’ll cut his way through 29 men to get to Rick Martel.
Earthquake is fired up with Jimmy Hart. Bring on the Undertaker, Mr. Perfect, and Tugboat. As for Hulk Hogan, he has something special for him.
Greg “The Hammer” Valentine says the real hammer is going to come crashing down on the other 29 men in the Royal Rumble.
“The Texas Tornado” Kerry Von Erich says there will be one winner: him.
The Legion of Doom is fired up. It’s every man for himself. Things will happen that have never happened before. Hawk grunts and shouts, “OHH, WHAT A RUSH!”
Brother Love is with the Undertaker. Love says Undertaker will bury all 29 opponents. The only thing the 29 competitors will be doing tomorrow is… Undertaker says, “Resting in peace.”
“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan says he will be the last one in the ring.
“The Model” Rick Martel says it’s not what you do but how you look doing it. He will shine as he throws everyone over the top rope. It’ll be his pleasure to guide Jake Roberts out of the ring because he’s going to win the Royal Rumble.
The British Bulldog is glad he’s a bulldog in the Royal Rumble.
Mr. Perfect is with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. Perfect says he’s the greatest athlete in the company and will win the Royal Rumble perfectly.
Tugboat toots and says he’s going to be in the middle of things. If it comes down to him and Hulk Hogan… toot.
Backstage Interview
Sean Mooney is with “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase and Virgil. How does DiBiase think his bodyguard will fare in the ring? DiBiase says everyone wants to know why Virgil serves him completely. Money is why. DiBiase has bought a bodyguard. Virgil is huffing and puffing, clearly unhappy with what DiBiase is saying. Money is better than blood.
Tag Team Match
“The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase and Virgil
DiBiase and Virgil attack the Rhodes Family before the match starts. The Rhodes Family quickly gets the better of them, whipping them into each other. Dusty connects with a Bionic Elbow to DiBiase’s forehead. Dustin knocks Virgil out of the ring. DiBiase and Virgil regroup at ringside. DiBiase orders Virgil into the ring to take out Dustin.
They lock up and tussle to the corner. Virgil punches Dustin, but Dustin ducks a clothesline and hits a diving clothesline, followed by a dropkick. Virgil immediately gets out of the ring, and DiBiase is not happy with him. Virgil clubs Dustin and sends him into the ropes, but Dustin takes him out and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Dusty gets in the ring and celebrates with his son. DiBiase goes to ringside to yell at Virgil. DiBiase says Virgil is embarrassing him in front of the world. Virgil smacks the ring apron in anger.
DiBiase asks to tag in and says, “I’ll show you how it’s done.” DiBiase sends Dustin into the ropes and connects with a clothesline. DiBiase punches Dustin down and bounces him off the top turnbuckle. DiBiase punches away at Dustin and chops the chest. DiBiase hits a back body drop and taunts Dusty. DiBiase hits a Million Dollar Fist Drop and continues to taunt Dusty. DiBiase sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and takes a face-buster. Dustin and Dusty take turns punching DiBiase before Dustin takes him out with a Bionic Elbow. Dusty tags in and rolls DiBiase back into the ring. Dusty is sauntering around and strikes away at DiBiase in the corner. Dusty sends him into the ropes and applies a sleeper hold. Virgil breaks it up, but Dusty shoves him back. Dustin tags back in and punches DiBiase. Dustin sends him into the ropes for a dropkick. 1… 2… Virgil breaks up the pin. Virgil tags in and punches away at Dustin. Dustin reverses a whip to the corner and charges, but Virgil sidesteps him. The referee stops Dusty from getting in the ring to check on his son. Dustin is holding his knee in pain. Virgil attacks the injured knee and hits a stiff clothesline. Virgil pulls Dustin to the ring post and slams the injured knee off the post. DiBiase was distracting the referee during that exchange. DiBiase tags in and smashes the knee off the ring post. DiBiase gets in the ring and attacks the leg. DiBiase taunts Dusty. Dusty runs in, but the referee stops him. DiBiase holds Dustin up. Virgil charges, but Dustin ducks. Virgil clotheslines DiBiase!
Virgil apologizes, but DiBiase attacks him with punches and chops before throwing him out of the ring. Dusty tags in and wildly unloads on DiBiase. Dusty sends him to the corner for an avalanche. Dusty sends him to the opposite corner and charges, but DiBiase moves. DiBiase immediately rolls him up for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Ted DiBiase and Virgil
DiBiase grabs a microphone in the ring. DiBiase says, “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man.” No one crosses him without paying the price. Dusty Rhodes’ little punk crossed him and paid the price. As for that “idiot” Virgil, he’s paid the price. DiBiase orders Virgil to get the Million Dollar Championship and put it around his waist. Virgil will do it because money talks louder than anything. Virgil is not happy and is not following the order. Virgil eventually gets the belt and gets in the ring. DiBiase tells him to put it around his waist, but Virgil throws it down. DiBiase is shocked. Does DiBiase need to remind Virgil about his family? His mother? Virgil better pick it up and wrap it around his waist. Virgil huffs and puffs before getting on his knee to pick it up. DiBiase cackles and says everybody’s got a price. DiBiase turns, and Virgil smashes him in the face with the Million Dollar Championship! The crowd is going wild! Virgil throws the belt onto DiBiase and walks off.
Mike’s Thoughts: This marks three straight Royal Rumble events that featured the final WWF match of a notable name. In 1989, it was Harley Race, a certified wrestling legend. In 1990, it was Raymond Rougeau. And here in 1991, it’s “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, whose short but memorable WWF run comes to an end. This match was also special for seeing Dusty team with his son, Dustin Rhodes, who would later find success as the androgynous Goldust. Sadly, this heartfelt moment with the Rhodes family was short-lived. Father and son became estranged for years, though thankfully, they eventually reconciled. It’s incredible to think that Dustin Rhodes is still wrestling today—and arguably better than ever!
Speaking of Dusty, I couldn’t help but chuckle at him being in a match against Virgil. Rumor has it that Vince McMahon named the character “Virgil” as a jab at Dusty, whose real name is Virgil Runnels. In true wrestling tit-for-tat fashion, the man who played Virgil would go on to WCW and become “Vincent,” poking fun at McMahon. Gotta love wrestling pettiness!
As for the match itself, aside from the cool moment with the Rhodes family, it wasn’t anything special. The real fireworks came after the match, with the long-awaited breakup of Ted DiBiase and Virgil. After enduring years of abuse, Virgil finally snapped and took DiBiase out, leading to an electric crowd response. Unfortunately, the follow-up match between the two at WrestleMania VII didn’t quite live up to the hype, but this moment here was great.
Backstage Interview
“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage with Hulk Hogan. Hogan is fired up for the Royal Rumble. It’s time more than ever for him and the Hulkamaniacs to reunite. Hogan is dedicating this match to all the armed forces in the Persian Gulf and all their allies. Hogan will fight, scratch, and claw to win the Royal Rumble. With the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines behind him, he’s got a lot of momentum around him. Okerlund has something come through his earpiece. They have an unconfirmed report that new WWF Champion Sergeant Slaughter has defaced the American flag. Hogan says he doesn’t care if it’s legal or not, that will seal his fate for good. Slaughter’s reign will be like… Hogan loses his train of thought. He recovers and says it’ll be like the reign of Saddam Hussein: short.
30-Man Royal Rumble
No. 1: WWF Tag Team Champion Bret “Hitman” Hart
No. 2: Dino Bravo w/ “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart
The bell rings, and the Royal Rumble begins. They lock up, and Bravo powers him back. They lock up, and Bravo sends him into the ropes. Hart floors him with a running forearm, followed by a dropkick. Hart connects with an atomic drop and clotheslines him from behind, nearly knocking Bravo out of the ring. Hart tries to toss him over the top rope, but Bravo hangs in there. Bravo punches Hart back. Bravo kicks Hart in the midsection to take him down. Bravo connects with an inverted atomic drop and stomps him. Bravo hits a scoop slam and tries for an elbow drop, but Hart moves. The clock begins to count down.
No. 3: Greg “The Hammer” Valentine
Valentine clubs Bravo, and Bravo is shocked. Bravo expected them to be allies. Bravo and Valentine throw some stiff clubs at each other. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and is not happy. Bravo attacks Valentine from behind and kicks away at him. Valentine fights back and bounces him off the top turnbuckle. Valentine then dumps Bravo over the top rope. Jimmy Hart is infuriated and gets in Valentine’s face, so Valentine knocks him off the apron.
Dino Bravo has been eliminated.
Hart hits Valentine with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a clothesline. Hart lifts Valentine over the top rope, but Valentine holds on. The clock is counting down again.
No. 4: Paul Roma w/ Slick
Roma immediately attacks Hart. Roma and Valentine double-team Hart and take him down. Roma then attacks Valentine. Hart hits Roma with an inverted atomic drop. Hart then clunks the heads of Roma and Valentine. Hart tries to eliminate Roma, but Valentine stops him. Roma and Valentine team up to try to eliminate Hart, but Hart stays in the ring. Valentine and Roma go back to work on each other. Soon, the clock begins to count down again.
No. 5: The Texas Tornado
Kerry Von Erich runs wild on Roma before attacking Valentine with a Texas Tornado punch. Hart stomps Roma’s midsection. Von Erich tries to power Valentine over the top rope, but Valentine won’t go over. Hart comes off the second rope, but he misses an elbow drop on Roma. Valentine soon goes after Roma. Hart joins in, and Valentine and Roma team up to attack him.
No. 6: “The Model” Rick Martel
Martel makes a beeline for Hart and tries to eliminate him. Roma stops Martel from eliminating Hart, which is counterintuitive for this match. Hart holds Valentine up, and Von Eric rocks him with a punch. Hart unloads on Martel’s midsection with some right hands. Hart has Martel hanging over the top rope, but he holds on for dear life. Roma stops Hart from making the elimination. Martel comes off the second rope with a club to Hart’s back. Roma then clotheslines Martel down and tries to eliminate him. Roma is unsuccessful.
No. 7: Saba Simba
This is a really pitiful gimmick that was given to the legendary Tony Atlas. Simba swings at everyone in the ring. There are six people in the ring right now. Von Erich hits Martel with an atomic drop that nearly sends him over the top rope, but Martel hangs on. Simba clubs away at Valentine and Hart. Roma begs Von Erich, but Von Erich locks him in the Claw.
No. 8: Bushwhacker Butch
Butch gets in the ring and marches around, not touching anyone. Valentine finally grabs him. Simba lifts Martel and slams him over the top rope. The momentum lands Martel on the apron and brings Simba over the top rope for the elimination.
Saba Simba has been eliminated.
There are still six men in the ring. Butch is choking Valentine against the ropes.
No. 9: Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Roberts gets in the ring to a HUGE ovation. Roberts hits Martel with some stinging left jabs, followed by a gut-buster. Roberts hits a face-buster, followed by a short-arm clothesline. Martel rolls under the bottom rope to escape Roberts. Referee Shane Stevens (a young Shane McMahon) tells Martel to get back in the ring. Roberts exits through the middle rope and chases Martel back into the ring. Valentine grabs Roberts and strikes him down before dropping an elbow. Valentine drops a club on Roberts. Roberts soon fights up and attacks Martel on the apron. Martel takes Roberts down and gets in the ring.
No. 10: Hercules
We are one-third of the way through the Royal Rumble. Hercules and Roma double-team Butch with stomps. Roma attacks Roberts until Von Erich stops him. Hart and Martel are in a precarious position in the corner, but they slink back into the ring. Martel ties Roberts’ arms in the ropes and punches away at him. Von Erich steps in to knock Martel back. There are eight men in the ring.
No. 11: Tito Santana
Roma attacks Roberts against the ropes. Roma charges, but Roberts ducks and pulls the top rope down to eliminate him.
Paul Roma has been eliminated.
Santana goes after Martel, but Martel knocks him back. Hercules powers Hart up and puts him on the top rope. Hart manages to stay in the ring. Santana punches Martel down. Santana has Martel over the top rope, and Valentine comes up to try to eliminate Santana. Hart breaks up the tussle.
No. 12: The Undertaker w/ Brother Love
The Undertaker enters his first Royal Rumble match. Undertaker attacks Hart and picks him up by the throat with two hands before dumping him over the top rope.
Bret “Hitman” Hart has been eliminated.
Undertaker attacks Von Erich before Valentine rocks him from behind. Valentine and Von Erich double-team Undertaker. Undertaker soon grabs Von Erich by the throat. Roberts attacks Undertaker, as does Von Erich. Undertaker shakes off the offense. Undertaker takes Von Erich out with a punch. Undertaker chokes Von Erich before pulling him up to his feet. The clock is counting down again.
No. 13: “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka
Snuka gets in the ring as Undertaker sends Butch over the top rope.
Bushwhacker Butch has been eliminated.
Von Erich attacks Undertaker, but Undertaker powers him to the corner. Undertaker stands on the second rope and chokes Von Erich. Valentine tries to tie Santana’s arms in the ropes, but Undertaker attacks Valentine. Von Erich jumps on Undertaker’s back and chokes him. Valentine attacks him, but Undertaker clunks Valentine and Von Erich together.
No. 14: The British Bulldog
Bulldog goes after Martel. Von Erich and Santana are double-teaming Undertaker to eliminate him. Undertaker them off. Martel is taking it to Snuka. Undertaker chokes Santana on the middle rope. Roberts hits Martel with an inverted atomic drop. Bulldog then hits Martel with a standard atomic drop. Undertaker punches Snuka and goes after Valentine.
No. 15: Demolition Smash w/ Mr. Fuji
Halfway through the Royal Rumble! Smash gets in the ring and goes after the Bulldog. Roberts knees Martel. Bulldog clotheslines Smash. Martel goes under the ropes and sneaks around on the apron. Martel grabs Roberts from behind and hits a snapmare over the top rope to eliminate him.
Jake “The Snake” Roberts has been eliminated.
Roberts is infuriated and held back by the referee. Snuka clunks Martel and Hercules together. We’ve seen that spot a number of times already. Undertaker goes after Bulldog. At ringside, Mr. Fuji and Brother Love are not happy with each other.
No. 16: Hawk
Hawk gets in the ring and is hitting anything that moves. Everyone in the ring is furious and begins to attack him. Hercules punches Hawk in the corner, but Hawk fights back. Hercules attacks Hawk from behind. Hawk clunks Valentine and Hercules together… again. Undertaker hits Santana with an inverted atomic drop. Undertaker holds Hercules up for Valentine to attack. Undertaker punches away at Hawk and presses him against the ropes. Hawk manages to escape his grasp.
No. 17: Shane Douglas
There are eleven men in the ring. Von Erich attacks Undertaker. Hawk comes off the middle rope with an ax handle to Snuka. Undertaker sends Von Erich over the top rope as Hawk sends Snuka over.
The Texas Tornado has been eliminated.
“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka has been eliminated.
Smash catches Douglas leaping at him and punches him down. Hawk attacks Valentine. Douglas and Santana send Martel into the ropes for a double-team clothesline. Hawk sends Hercules into the ropes for a clothesline.
No. 18: “The Macho King” Randy Savage
The camera focuses on the entryway, but no one comes out. The announcers don’t know who was supposed to come out, but they eventually figured out that it was “The Macho King” Randy Savage when the thirtieth participant came out. This was a time when there were no Royal Rumble surprises. If the participant doesn’t make it out by the time the next person comes out, they are eliminated.
In the ring, Undertaker brings Hawk to the mat with a choke. Douglas has Martel on the top rope and is trying to eliminate him. The clock counts down, and No. 18 is eliminated.
“The Macho King” Randy Savage has been eliminated.
No. 19: Animal
Animal hits the ring and attacks Hercules, followed by the Undertaker. Animal attacks everyone. The Legion of Doom then double-team the Undertaker. Undertaker grabs them by the throats, but they escape. LOD then hits Undertaker with a double-team clothesline over the top rope! Martel and Hercules then clothesline Hawk from behind to eliminate him!
The Undertaker has been eliminated.
Hawk has been eliminated.
Brother Love is stunned. Santana has Martel over the top rope, but Martel hangs on. Animal has Hercules in the corner and punches him. Animal stomps him and chokes him with his boot.
No. 20: Demolition Crush
Two-thirds through this match! Crush and Smash double-team Bulldog. Demolition sends Bulldog into the ropes for a double-team clothesline. Santana tries to eliminate Martel, but he stays in there. Martel has been in the ring for nearly a half hour. Valentine has been in there slightly longer. Douglas rocks Smash with a back elbow.
No. 21: “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
The winner of the inaugural Royal Rumble, then featuring only twenty men in 1988, makes his way to the ring. Duggan takes Smash down before going after Martel. Duggan puts Martel in the corner and punches him. Martel comes off the middle rope, but Animal catches him with a bear hug. Martel thumbs the eye to get out. There are ten men in the ring.
No. 22: Earthquake w/ “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart
Earthquake gets in the ring and exchanges strikes with Animal. Animal ducks a clothesline and rocks Earthquake with a clothesline that knocks him back a bit. Animal hits a second clothesline that sends him against the ropes. Animal charges, but Earthquake gives him a back body drop over the top rope.
Animal has been eliminated.
Duggan challenges Earthquake and sidesteps him. Duggan punches him, but Earthquake rakes the eyes. Earthquake smashes him off the top turnbuckle. Duggan fights back, but Earthquake chokes him. Bulldog nearly eliminates Martel, but Smash saves him.
No. 23: WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Mr. Perfect saunters down to the ring. Roddy Piper praises his intellect to utilize the two minutes before he has to be in. Perfect gets in the ring, and Duggan goes wild on him. Duggan charges, but Perfect gives him a back body drop over the top rope.
“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan has been eliminated.
Perfect sends Crush into the ropes and dropkicks him. Santana sends Perfect into the ropes and clotheslines him.
No. 24: Hulk Hogan
Hogan comes out to an enormous ovation. Smash immediately tees off on him, as does Perfect. Hogan punches away at Smash and sends him over the top rope.
Demolition Smash has been eliminated.
Hogan goes after Earthquake and punches away at him. Hogan tries to power him over the top rope, but he can’t do it. Perfect attacks him from behind. Perfect punches away at Hogan. Earthquake grabs Hogan and punches away at him in the corner. A “Hogan” chant fires up. Earthquake tries to eliminate Hogan, but Bulldog stops it. Hercules joins in to help Earthquake, but Hogan fights them off.
No. 25: Haku
As Haku gets in the ring, Hogan dumps Valentine over the top rope. Greg Valentine lasted 44 minutes in this Royal Rumble!
Greg “The Hammer” Valentine has been eliminated.
Haku goes after Hogan. Hogan still has his shirt on. Martel then concentrates on Hogan. Martel rips Hogan’s shirt off and chokes him with it. Hogan lifts Martel by the neck, but Perfect attacks him. Martel comes off the middle rope with an ax handle to Haku. Bulldog attacks Earthquake, but he gets nowhere with that.
No. 26: WWF Tag Team Champion Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
Neidhart attacks Hercules. Santana works over Earthquake, but Earthquake absorbs the punishment. Earthquake cuts him off and sends him over the top rope. Santana lasted 30 minutes in the Royal Rumble. Arriba!
Tito Santana has been eliminated.
Perfect is attacking Hogan in the corner and trying to eliminate him. Haku attacks Hogan and absolutely lights up his chest with a chop. Hogan fires back with an elbow to the head. Bulldog tries to eliminate Martel, but he stays in there. Martel has been in the ring over 45 minutes.
No. 27: Bushwhacker Luke
Luke gets in the ring, and Earthquake immediately sends him over! Luke gets up and marches away!
Bushwhacker Luke has been eliminated.
Douglas attacks Perfect and bounces him off the top turnbuckle. Perfect rakes the eyes and chops the chest. Earthquake and Perfect begin to double-team Hogan. Neidhart tries to eliminate Martel, but The Model is a cat with nine thousand lives at this point.
No. 28: Brian Knobbs
The Nasty Boy gets in the ring and goes after Haku before attacking Perfect. A whole bunch of people attack Knobbs to stop his craziness. Hercules and Neidhart try to eliminate Knobbs, but he holds on. Hogan kicks and rakes the eyes of Knobbs. Knobbs soon hits Hercules with a back body drop to eliminate him.
Hercules has been eliminated.
No. 29: The Warlord
Warlord, looking juiced out of his ever-loving mind, immediately attacks Bulldog. In the corner, Crush climbs to the second rope to punch Hogan. Hogan powers him over the top rope. That looked rough.
Demolition Crush has been eliminated.
Hogan continues to attack Perfect. Warlord holds Hogan up, and Perfect chops him. Hogan ducks a chop, and Perfect accidentally chops Warlord. Hogan attacks Warlord. Warlord sends him into the ropes, but Hogan ducks a clothesline. Hogan connects with a clothesline over the top rope.
The Warlord has been eliminated.
No. 30: Tugboat
The commentators figure out that Randy Savage was No. 18. Tugboat goes after Earthquake. Neidhart sends Perfect over the top rope, but he hangs on. There are still ten guys in the ring, one-third of the field remaining after all thirty have come in. Knobbs eliminates Douglas, who was in the match for 26 minutes, when the cameras weren’t on them.
Shane Douglas has been eliminated.
Tugboat lifts Martel up by the throat, but Martel rakes the eyes. Hogan clubs Earthquake’s back. Bulldog hits Knobbs with a back elbow. Earthquake fights back at Hogan and chokes him in the corner. Tugboat and Bulldog team up to try to eliminate Martel, but he still hangs on. Hogan chops Perfect down, and Knobbs attacks Hogan from behind. Tugboat presses Hogan in the corner and dumps him over the top rope, but Hogan lands on the apron. Hogan then dumps Tugboat over the top rope. Bulldog crotches Perfect on the top rope and dropkicks him to the floor!
Tugboat has been eliminated.
Mr. Perfect has been eliminated.
Neidhart punches away at Martel. Martel reverses a whip and dumps Neidhart over the top rope! Bulldog soon gives Haku a back body drop over the top rope.
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart has been eliminated.
Haku has been eliminated.
Martel attacks Hogan in the corner and tries to eliminate him. Hogan fights him off. Bulldog goes after Martel, but Martel comes off the second rope with a club. Martel hits a scoop slam and goes to the top rope. Bulldog shakes the ropes to crotch him before hitting a clothesline to the floor! Martel lasted 52 minutes, a new record!
“The Model” Rick Martel has been eliminated.
The Final Four of the Royal Rumble: Hulk Hogan, Brian Knobbs, Earthquake, and the British Bulldog. Knobbs and Bulldog go at it. Earthquake attacks Bulldog and holds him up for Knobbs to punch. Earthquake and Knobbs team up to eliminate Bulldog.
The British Bulldog has been eliminated.
Earthquake and Knobbs send Hogan into the ropes for a double-team clothesline. Knobbs hits a pair of elbow drops on Hogan. Earthquake then squashes Hogan with a big splash! Earthquake and Knobbs high five. Knobbs continues to drop elbows. Earthquake starts to stomp around the ring before hitting an Earthquake Splash on the Immortal Hulk Hogan. Earthquake and Knobbs pose, but they don’t see Hogan pop up behind them! Hogan takes them out with a double clothesline before hitting Knobbs with a big boot over the top rope.
Brian Knobbs has been eliminated.
The crowd is going wild as Hogan punches away at Earthquake. Hogan big boots him, but Earthquake doesn’t go down. Hogan punches Earthquake down to his knee and punches Jimmy Hart off the apron. Hogan goes for a scoop slam, but he falls under Earthquake’s body weight. Earthquake drops an elbow. Earthquake hits a second elbow drop and poses. Earthquake lifts Hogan and hits a powerslam. Earthquake covers for a pin for whatever reason. It’s all so Hogan can kick out and start Hulking Up. Hogan sticks a finger in his face and punches away at him. Hogan hits him with a big boot and signals for a scoop slam. The crowd cheers Hogan on. Hogan kicks Earthquake and hits a scoop slam. Hogan is fired up, and he clotheslines Earthquake from behind to knock him over the top rope!
Earthquake has been eliminated.
Winner: Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan is the first man to win two Royal Rumble matches, and he did it in back-to-back years.
Hogan grabs a sign that says, “Hulk Rules.” He parades it around the ring before grabbing a sign that says, “Peace in the Middle East.” Hogan then holds a sign that says, “Saddam and Slaughter will surrender.” Hogan poses in the ring. Hogan then grabs an American flag and waves it around the ring.
Mike’s Thoughts: Given the global context of Operation Desert Storm, the finish to this Royal Rumble was never in doubt. Hulk Hogan waving the American flag around the ring was exactly the image WWF wanted to project at the time. Later that week, Hogan would tour military bases to rally the troops, cementing his role as the all-American hero.
That said, this wasn’t a great Royal Rumble match. Over ten men lasted more than twenty minutes, and by the time the 30th participant entered, one-third of the field was still in the ring. This pacing issue meant the match lacked excitement in terms of eliminations – halfway through, there had only been five. The action often felt stagnant, which hurt the overall flow.
That’s not to say there weren’t good moments in this. “The Model” Rick Martel lasting 52 minutes was definitely impressive, even if they never used him as a big star. The Bushwhacker Luke elimination was shown in highlight reels for years, and it was pretty funny watching it in the full context of this match. It was also cool to see a very young Undertaker, managed by Brother Love, in this one. The one subtraction from this match was the commentary was brutal. With Roddy Piper screaming about everything, Gorilla Monsoon was louder than usual. Terrible combination.
Overall, this was a good Royal Rumble event. We had a rare WWF Championship title change (this was the first World Title match in Royal Rumble history), a phenomenal opening tag match, and a patriotic ending for a country just starting out on the battlefield. Classic early-1990s WWF.
I’m looking forward to the next one… it’s one of the best ever.
Quick Match Results
— The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) def. The Orient Express (Kato and Tanaka) in a Tag Team Match
— The Big Boss Man def. The Barbarian
— Sgt. Slaughter def. The Ultimate Warrior (c) to win the WWF Championship
— The Mountie def. Koko B. Ware
— “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase and Virgil def. “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes in a Tag Team Match
— Hulk Hogan won the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match
Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV
Thanks for reading!