4/18 ROH Results: Markham, Ontario

Ring of Honor Results – 4/18/09
Location: Markham, Ontario, Canada

Results courtesy of ROHwrestling.com:


A) Player Uno and Alex Payne defeated Michael Elgin and Ash. Fun opener with the crowd being into everyone. Nice to see Ash and Elgin on the show.

B) Josh Raymond and Christian Able defeated Grizzly Redwood and Bobby Dempsey. Fun match, Raymond and Able seem like they could do well on the regular card.

Main Show:

1) Brent Albright defeated Jimmy Rave by submission with the crowbar. Jimmy Rave and Prince Nana seem to have fit right back in. The toilet papering went over well. Rave did enough heel stalling to get heat but limited it enough to not be Larry Zbysko. Lots of chopping with good selling by Rave. Albright looked good in victory, he seems to have trimmed and was in the best shape and worked the best I’ve seen him in a while.

2) Chris Hero d. Necro Butcher by DQ after Necro used a chair. This was a fun brawl that went out of the ring a lot and also involved wrestling. The DQ finish didn’t feel ill-timed. There was a great taunt by Hero when Necro was down and Hero said “Where’s your Oscar?”

3) Colt Cabana d. Claudio Castagnolli via pinfall. Cabana has fit right back into his comedic role and the crowd was right with him. It sucks that WWE wasted two years of hislife but he feels refreshed. Claudio was probably in the best heel mode Ive seen him, which happens when you shave your head and wear a scarf. Fun match.

4) Austin Aries, Rhett Titus and Kenny King d. Kevin Steen Kenny Omega and Player Dos. Aries, Titus and King were great as a trio and come off like a top act. This match was filled with lots of great ???? along with Dos being worked over. It was cool for Generico to be there and kudos to ROH for announcing this upfront. Great match, second best of the night.Great chant of “Heppa-Titus” at Rhett.


5) The start of the second half was being announced when Delirious and Jimmy Jacobs appeared in the crowd already brawling.They were close to me so that was fun. They went into the stands, then to ringside, setting up a table for later. They got ine ring and brawled back and forth. Eventually Delirious tried to suplex Jacobs out of the ring onto the table but Jacobs fought back, hit the ropes and speared Delirious through the table. Eventually Daizee Haze got involved. During the finish, Delirious blew black mist, covering Jacobs’ face. Daizee hit Jacobs with his own spike and then Delirious put him in the Cobra Stretch with the spike digging in Jacobs black-covered face until Jimmy tapped. This is the best I’ve seen from either guy in a while.

6)Jay Briscoe d. Roderick Strong in a strong wrestling match. Lots of chops, lot of nearfalls and an ending sequence of rollups that ended with Jay winning. A really good match that was exactly what it needed to be.

7) Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards vsm Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black went to a 45-minute time limit draw in the best match I have seen live since Danielson v. Black from Detroit last July (ppv match).The 45 minutes flew by and caught the crowd by surprise with the one-minute warning while both Danielson and Black did elbow strikes to the Wolves followed by duelling Cattle Mutilation when the warning was given. Crowd was heated that it ended but good heat and a remacth should be good. Lots of innovative spots including Black and Danielson tagging in and out while taking turns bodyslamming Edwards. Simple, but it got over. The Wolves seem like a great classic tag with lots of great double-teams, many of which involve kicks and leg lariats. Crazy spot with all the guys in the crowd after dives by Richards and Danielson, then both Black and Richards getting back in at 19.5 when it seemed they would’t. Danielson also had a crazy bruise on his left thigh the size of a melon and he sold it the rest of the match. I would have though he had broken it except he was able to work on it (stand,run,etc) and his opponents worked it the rest of the match with texas cloverleaf’s and dragonscrews.
It was great to see the Wolves in a main event and hold their own. It felt like the old Carolinas tag wars that are legendary.Just a phenomenal match that is worth getting the DVD for.
