WrestleMania 39 Results – Night One
April 1, 2023
Inglewood, California (SoFi Stadium)
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
We go live into SoFi Stadium. Becky G will be singing the National Anthem. SoFi Stadium gives her a great ovation following a beautiful rendition of the song.
Kevin Hart narrates the opening video on the importance of WrestleMania and the big matches we will be seeing tonight.
We go back live into a packed SoFi Stadium. The Miz and WWE Hall of Famer Snoop Dogg are in the ring! The Miz is the Host of WrestleMania, and Snoop Dogg is the Dogg Father of WrestleMania. The Miz welcomes everyone to WrestleMania, which gets a HUGE ovation. Tonight, he and the Dogg Father of WrestleMania are the perfect tag team to kick off WrestleMania in Hollywood. Snoop Dogg is the King of Hip Hop, and The Miz was in WrestleMania: The Musical. Snoop Dogg has been in 80 movies, while he starred in many Marines Movies. Snoop Dogg asks if The Miz is saying they’re the same. The Miz says he is.
Snoop Dogg says it’s not about the champions in the ring. It’s about the champions all around us. The Miz says we’ll see the best of the best in SoFi Stadium. The Miz asks if the crowd is ready. Tonight, we’ll see Charlotte Flair defend the SmackDown Women’s Championship against Rhea Ripley. The Usos will defend the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. That is just a small taste of how awesome this show will be. It’s time to get to the action. Snoop Dogg says, “Let’s fire it up!”
United States Champion Austin Theory makes his way to the ring. He’ll be in the opening match of WrestleMania Saturday against the legendary John Cena.
Video: John Cena has granted the most wishes in the history of the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
A whole group of Make-a-Wish children are on the stage. John Cena makes his entrance to a huge ovation and poses with the kids. Cena high-fives the all and jogs down the super-long ramp to the ring. The crowd gives Cena an incredible ovation!
United States Championship
Austin Theory (c) vs. John Cena
The bell rings, and for the first time since 2004 at WrestleMania XX, John Cena is opening up WrestleMania in the United States Championship match. This is also Cena’s first WrestleMania since 2020. Austin Theory wants a test of strength, but John Cena, a crafty veteran, shows him up. Theory quickly grabs a side headlock. Cena whips him off and floors the young upstart with a shoulder tackle. Theory gets up and rubs his chest following the impact. They lock up, and Cena takes him down before applying a side headlock. Cena executes a headlock takeover. A “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant picks up. Theory fights up and twists out. Theory hooks a side headlock, but Cena whips him off and shoulder-tackles him down once again. Cena slicks his hair back and smirks at the United States Champion. They lock up, and Cena powers him into the corner before giving a clean break. Cena smiles and points at him. Cena is not sweating Austin Theory tonight.
They lock up, and Theory turns Cena around in the corner. Theory quickly bites Cena’s ear and runs out of the ring. Cena lets the referee know what just happened. The referee didn’t see it. Theory quickly attacks Cena from behind and punches away at him. The crowd loudly boos Theory. Theory connects with a vertical suplex for a two-count. Theory grabs Cena, pulls him back to his feet, and hits another vertical suplex for a two-count. Theory gets to his feet and smirks while pointing at Cena. Theory asks the crowd if they really believe Cena still has it. Theory hooks a front facelock and goes for a third suplex, but Cena blocks it. Cena then connects with a vertical suplex. Cena and Theory trade punches before Cena knocks him to the corner. Cena whips him to the opposite corner. Cena charges, but Theory feeds him a back elbow. Theory connects with a rolling thunder blockbuster for a near fall. Cena rolls around in pain on the mat. Theory saunters his way to the top rope and poses for the crowd. The crowd boos him loudly. Theory gets down on the apron and hits a rolling thunder dropkick for another near fall. Theory slaps the mat in frustration.
Theory talked trash and goes for a rolling thunder dropkick, but Cena swats him away and applies the STF! The crowd reaches a fever pitch. Theory is fighting Cena’s grip and bites his hands to break the hold. Theory then floors Cena with a stiff lariat. Theory taunts the crowd and mocks the “You Can’t See Me” taunt, which just draws louder boos. Cena gets to his feet, but Theory punches him down to a knee. Theory has Cena stumbling on his feet before flooring him with a back elbow. Theory stands on Cena’s chest with one foot and poses for a two-count. Theory connects with a snapmare and stomps the chest. Theory casually walks around the ring and stomps Cena’s chest again. Theory continues to mock mannerisms of Cena. Theory hits another snapmare and goes for a stomp, but Cena blocks it. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Theory slides off and hits a DDT for a near fall!
Theory hits a running corner clothesline on Cena and flexes his biceps. Theory jogs around the ring and says he could do this all day. Cena sidesteps an avalanche in the corner and lights him up with a right hand. Theory responds with a right hand. Cena shouts, “Sleeper,” so Theory whips him into the ropes and applies a sleeper hold. You talk too much. Theory cinches in the sleeper hold, and Cena drops down to a knee. Cena powers up with Theory on his back. Cena backs him hard into the corner to break the hold. Cena connects with a pair of flying shoulder tackles followed by a back suplex powerbomb! Cena puts a hand up, and the crowd goes wild. Cena tells Theory, “You Can’t See Me,” and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle! Cena goes for the AA, but Theory fights it. Referee Chad Patton is taken out. Cena takes Theory down and applies the STF. Theory taps out, but the referee is down. Cena thinks he won the match and realizes that the referee is down.
Cena looks around at the referee and approaches Theory. Theory low blows Cena and hits A-Town Down! Theory covers the legend and picks up a victory over 16-time World Champion John Cena!
Winner by Pinfall and still United States Champion: Austin Theory
Austin Theory celebrates with the United States Championship and backs up the ramp while holding the title up in the air.
A WWE 2K23 video game trailer is shown.
Alpha Academy stars in a Snickers commercial.
WWE Global Ambassador Titus O’Neil is on commentary for the next match.
Men’s WrestleMania Showcase
Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match
Braun Strowman and Ricochet vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/ Valhalla vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis) vs. The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford)
Ricochet and Chad Gable will start the match, so the usual multi-team rules buffoonery that plagues these matches continues. Gable and Ricochet go back and forth, counter-for-counter. Gable bridges up with Ricochet on him and hits a backslide for a two-count. Otis tags in and avalanches Ricochet down. Gable tags in and clotheslines Ricochet down. Gable shushes Braun Strowman. Ricochet tags Strowman in, and Gable backs up. Otis, Strowman, Angelo Dawkins, and Ivar get in the ring. Now all 8 get in the ring… and a big brawl breaks out. Erik viciously knees Strowman, and Ivar hits a heel kick. The Viking Raiders then run over Gable. The Viking Raiders then hit Ricochet with a German Suplex/springboard clothesline on Ricochet. The Viking Raiders then give Ford the Ragnarök!
The Viking Raiders pose with Valhalla. Strowman comes up and takes out the Viking Raiders. Gable comes up behind Strowman for a German Suplex, but Strowman fights it. Gable grabs Strowman, rolls him down, and hits a German Suplex with a bridge for a near fall! The crowd is going wild! Gable goes to the top rope and thanks the crowd. Dawkins tags in off Gable. Gable misses a diving head-butt. Ivar tags in off Dawkins, and Dawkins misses a Swanton Bomb. Ivar goes to the top rope for a moonsault, but Dawkins moves! Now we’ve got Braun Strowman going to the top rope! Strowman then crushes Ivar with a diving splash, but everyone breaks up the pin!
Otis grabs Strowman and hits the World’s Strongest Slam. Otis rips off his shirt and waves it around. Otis goes to the second rope, but Ford tags in and kicks him down. Ricochet tags in as well. Ford goes to the top rope, but Gable stops him. Erik and Gable grab Ricochet. Ivar and Otis grab Gable and Ivar. They hold them up for a double-delayed vertical suplex. Then Ricochet comes off the top rope with a cross-body block on Ford, Gable, and Erik! Wow!
Strowman stumbles into the ring and signals that it’s time. Strowman hits Gable, Erik, and Otis with the Strowman Express. Strowman starts it up again! Ivar and Gable take it before Dawkins absolutely floors him with a shoulder tackle at ringside! Ricochet comes off the top rope with a shooting star press to the floor on Dawkins and Erik! Unbelievable. Ricochet gets Dawkins in the ring and hits a shooting star press, but Dawkins gets the knees up. Ford then crushes Ricochet against Dawkins’s knees with a Frog Splash for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: The Street Profits
Brock Lesnar vs. Omos is highlighted. That match takes place on WrestleMania Sunday.
Xavier Woods, the host of Up Up Down Down is backstage with The Brawling Brutes and Liv Morgan. WWE 2K23 simulated Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Logan Paul. Rollins won 58% of the simulations.
Video Package: Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Logan Paul
Logan Paul makes his WrestleMania entrance on his birthday on a zipline! Paul lands on the entrance ramp. A dancing Prime Energy Drink mascot comes out and dances alongside Paul on the way to the ring.
Jasper Randall, a California-based conductor, comes out to conduct the crowd in the singing of Seth “Freakin” Rollins’s entrance music. Rollins comes out in an unbelievably oversized red coat, which he soon sheds. Rollins is clad in hot pink tights.
After the music stops, over 70,000 people continue to sing Rollins’s theme song.
Logan Paul vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins
The bell rings, and they lock up. Rollins hooks a side headlock, turns him around, and shoves Paul away. Rollins smiles and poses. The crowd sings his song again. They lock up, and Rollins hooks a side headlock once again. Paul twists out and applies a side headlock. Rollins whips him off, drops down, leapfrogs him, and wipes Paul out with a shoulder tackle. Rollins takes Paul down and goes for a Stomp, but Paul avoids it and glares at the Architect. Rollins hooks a side headlock, but Paul whips him off, drops down, leapfrogs him, drops down, leapfrogs again, and throws Rollins over the top rope as he did at the Royal Rumble. Rollins angrily stares at Paul.
Rollins charges the ring and takes Paul down with some punches. Rollins tackles Paul into the corner and takes him down. Paul quickly rolls out of the ring, but Rollins grabs him by the hair. Paul quickly snaps him off the ropes and kicks him in the face. Paul wipes him out with a Buckshot Lariat and stands tall. Paul looks at his hand and balls up his fist. Paul delivers a number of shots to Rollins’s midsection. Paul does the rope-a-dope on Rollins before turning him inside out with a kitchen sink knee to the midsection. Paul grabs the legs and stomps Rollins’s midsection. Paul scoops Rollins up, but Rollins elbows off. Paul twists away from an avalanche and hits a springboard cross-body block. Paul follows up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Paul covers Rollins again for a two-count. Paul tries again, but this attempt yields the same results. Rollins shouts in frustration.
Paul kicks Rollins in the midsection. Rollins twists out of a whip and forearms him a few times. Paul quickly takes him down and applies a seated octopus stretch. Rollins shouts in pain, but he fights out of the hold. Rollins chops the chest, so Paul responds with a stiff elbow. Rollins comes back with another chop, so Paul elbows him. Rollins wildly chops away at Paul’s chest. Paul avoids a right hand and hits a gutwrench suplex for a two-count. Paul mounts Rollins and punches away at him. Paul all of a sudden does a full leap up to the top rope and doesn’t use his hands to steady himself. Paul then hits a moonsault, but Rollins moves out of the way!
Rollins hits Paul with a running forearm and punches away at him in the corner. The referee backs Rollins up. Rollins avoids a clothesline from Paul and hits a pair of clotheslines. Rollins talks some trash and says, “Bye-bye, bitch!” Rollins then sends Paul over the top rope to the floor. Rollins gets the crowd singing again. Rollins hits the ropes and floors Paul with a suicide dive. Rollins gets back in the ring and hits Paul with another suicide dive! Rollins gets in the ring a third time and connects with his third suicide dive on the Social Media Star! The crowd is loud for Rollins. Rollins sizes Paul up near the Prime Energy Drink mascot. Paul is leaning on the steel steps. Rollins hits a Stomp to the hand of Paul, the same hand that knocked Rollins out twice!
Rollins gets Paul in the ring and goes for a Pedigree, but Paul powers him up for a roll-up. They trade a number of roll-ups for two counts. Paul then gets to his feet and floors Rollins with a right hand! Paul clutches his hand in pain after the stomp. Rollins is out cold. Paul takes some time before turning Rollins over and covering him, and Rollins barely kicks out! Paul sizes Rollins up and charges, but Rollins counters into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Rollins slowly pulls himself up in the corner and sizes him up for a Stomp, but the Prime Energy mascot pulls him out of the ring. It’s revealed to be social media star KSI! Rollins angrily grabs KSI, but Paul grabs Rollins and sends him into the ring post! They clear the commentary table. KSI is standing and taunting Rollins as Paul goes to the top rope. Rollins pulls KSI down on the table, and Paul splashes through his business partner and the table! It was slightly mistimed, but it still looked impressive. Rollins immediately gets Paul in the ring and hits a Pedigree for a near fall!
The crowd is going wild! After taking some time, Rollins forearms Paul. Rollins charges, but Paul pops up and hits Rollins with a GTS! Paul goes to the top rope and shakes the feeling into his hand. Paul hits a Low Down Frog Splash! 1… 2… Rollins barely kicks out!
An irate Logan Paul stomps away at Seth “Freakin” Rollins in the corner. Paul goes to the opposite corner for Coast-to-Coast, but Rollins superkicks him out of midair! Rollins gets fired up and hits a Stomp on the birthday boy. Rollins covers Logan Paul to pick up the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Video Package: 6-Woman Tag Team Match
The team of Trish Stratus, Lita, and Becky Lynch get a “Sin City” style entrance. Trish and Lita stand on platforms on the stage.
6-Woman Tag Team Match
Damage CTRL (Bayley, Dakota Kai, and IYO SKY) vs. Trish Stratus and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Becky Lynch and Lita
This is a wild stat — This is only Lita’s second WrestleMania match. Her first and only match so far was at WrestleMania X8 in Toronto in 2002.
Both teams square off and brawl. Lita, Trish, and Becky clear the ring of Damage CTRL. Lynch hits Dakota Kai with a baseball slide and sends her into the ring. The bell rings, and Lynch avoids a kick. Kai gets out of a Manhandle Slam and hits a Scorpion Kick following a distraction from IYO SKY. Bayley tags in and punches Lynch down. Sky tags in and hits a slingshot double knee to Lynch for a two-count. Sky stops Lynch from making a tag. Lynch puts Sky on the apron, but Sky trips her and hits a springboard missile dropkick for a two-count. Sky hooks a front facelock and tags Bayley in. Bayley quickly tags Kai in. Damage CTRL hits a triple-team powerbomb/neckbreaker combo, and Kai picks up a near fall. Kai mocks Trish Stratus and Lita before stomping Lynch. Kai hits a running boot in the corner for a two-count. Bayley tags back in and jumps on Lynch’s back. Lynch shoves Bayley away, and Kai blind tags in. Lynch sends Bayley out of the ring and thwarts Kai’s kick. Lynch goes to tag Trish Stratus, but Bayley pulls her off the apron. Sky tags in. Kai and Sky send Lynch into the ropes, but Lynch kicks Kai back and hits Sky with a diving clothesline. Kai stops Lynch from tagging in her championship partner Lita. Lynch drops Kai on the apron. Kai charges Lita, but Lita forearms her down.
Lita tags in and runs wild on Bayley and Sky. Lita hits Sky with a head-scissor takeover. Lita whips Sky to the corner, but Sky slingshots over her. Lita twists, applies a head-scissor, and drives Sky headfirst into the turnbuckle. Lita avalanches Sky from behind into the turnbuckles. Lita hits the Vertigo DDT for a near fall. Sky reverses a whip to the corner, but Lita elbows her in the face. Lita pulls her down with her legs and shoves Bayley off the apron. Lita knocks Sky away. Kai kicks Lita in the back of the head, and she falls down to the mat. Sky covers Lita for a two-count. Kai tags in, and she tags in Bayley. Damage CTRL crushes Lita with triple superkicks for a near fall. Bayley shouts in frustration. Bayley mocks Trish Stratus and puts Lita in the corner. Bayley stomps away at Lita before choking her. Damage CTRL poses over a broken Lita. Sky tags in and stretches Lita on the ropes. Kai tags in and attacks Lita for a two-count. Bayley tags in. Sky and Bayley go for a double-team slam on Lita, but Lita lands on her feet and hits them with a double DDT.
Trish Stratus and Dakota Kai tag in. Stratus kicks Sky away and hits Kai with a Thesz Press. Stratus chops Kai’s chest twice before licking her palm and viciously chopping the chest. Stratus hits Bayley and Kai with a head-scissor takeover/headlock takeover combo for a two-count. Stratus sends Kai to the corner and charges, but Kai elbows her back. Kai goes to the top rope, so Stratus goes for the Stratusphere. Kai shoves her off. Bayley and Sky pull Stratus out of the ring, but Lynch and Lita take them out. Lita and Lynch help Stratus hit a Stratusphere off the top rope to the floor onto Damage CTRL. Stratus his Kai with a spinebuster for a near fall.
Lita tags in, and she and Stratus hit Kai with Poetry in Motion. Lynch tags in and hits a top rope diving leg drop for a near fall. Lynch immediately applies a Dis-Arm-Her, but Kai fights it. Bayley kicks Lita away and kicks Lynch in the head. Bayley then hits Stratus with a baseball slide. Bayley pulls Kai to their corner and tags herself in. Bayley shouts at the crowd and points at Lynch. Lynch slaps Bayley in the face and challenges her. Bayley floors her with a right hand and a clothesline to the back of the neck. Lynch gets out of a Rose Plant. Bayley gets out of a Manhandle Slam. Sky kicks Lynch in the head. Bayley hits a Rose Plant and covers, but Lita breaks up the in. Lita sends Sky out of the ring. Kai wipes out Lita with a running boot to the face. Stratus hits Kai with the Stratusfaction! Bayley then takes out the WWE Hall of Famer with a Bayley-to-Belly. Lynch rolls Bayley up for a two-count. Lynch spears Bayley (and herself) out of the ring. Sky goes to the top rope, and the crowd gets excited. Sky takes everyone out with a moonsault block to the floor! The referee begins counting them out, but everyone gets back in at nine.
The two teams each retreat to their corners. Bayley tags in Sky while Lynch tags in Lita. They tag in their partners to get extra time in the ring. Both teams begin brawling. Lita hits Sky with the Twist of Fate. Stratus hits Kai with the Chick Kick. Lita hits a Litasault on Kai and Sky. Bayley is trapped in the ring with two Hall of Famers and the first woman to ever main event WrestleMania. Bayley goes after Lynch in the corner, but Lynch hits a Manhandle Slam off the second rope for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Trish Stratus, Lita, and Becky Lynch
Video Package: Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio
Bad Bunny will be commentating on this match with the Spanish commentary team.
A video showcases Dominik Mysterio in a prison being taken out of his prison cell and transported. Two policemen on motorcycles drive into the arena. A corrections van drives in. A bunch of guards gets out. In the van is Ex-Con Dom. Dominik Mysterio is wearing his father’s mask! Wow!
The guards accompany Dominik Mysterio through the crowd and uncuff him. Dominik removes the mask and gets in the ring to pose. His mother, Angie, and his sister, Aalyah, look on in disgust.
Snoop Dogg drives Rey Mysterio, the newest WWE Hall of Famer, into the arena in an orange car. Eddie Guerrero’s music plays to a HUGE ovation. Rey then gets on the stage, and his music begins to play. WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio makes his way to the ring.
Dominik Mysterio vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey and Dominik go face-to-face in the ring. The son towers over his father and looks down on him. Dominik shoves his father back, and the crowd loudly boos him. Dominik circles the ring. Father and son lock up, and Dominik gets him in the corner before hitting a takedown. Dominik gets on the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. Some Cinnamon Toast Crunch logos decorate the apron and ringside LED boards. Dominik takes his father down with a waistlock. Rey elbows his son off and drives him out of the ring. Dominik is irate. Rey taunts his son. Dominik shoves his father, so his father shoves back. Dominik shoulder tackles Rey down. Dominik kicks him, but Rey sends him into the ropes and hits a hurricanrana. Dominik begs his father off. Rey gets on the turnbuckles and poses for the adoring crowd.
They circle the ring and Dominik signals for a test of strength. Dominik slaps Rey. Rey reverses a whip to the opposite corner and hits a head-scissor into the ring post. Rey removes his belt and spanks his son’s rear end, which he probably should have done when he was a child. Angie Mysterio stoically claps at ringside. Dominik yells at her and throws a drink in Aalyah’s face! Rey goes over there, but Dominik takes his father down and hits a catapult into the ring post! Dominik smirks at his family and puts his father in the ring. Dominik mocks Eddie Guerrero and hits a slingshot senton bomb for a near fall.
Dominik gets his father in the corner and viciously whips him to the opposite corner. Rey falls down in pain. Dominik poses on the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. Dominik stomps his father before getting him to his feet and applying an abdominal stretch. Rey, a Hall of Fame competitor, fights out. Rey slides through his son’s legs and hits a takedown. Dominik quickly fights back and scales the ropes to hit an arm drag. Dominik floors his Hall of Fame father with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Dominik snaps his father off the top rope and goes back over to his family. Dominik tells his mother to shut her mouth, so she slaps him in the face! Rey then shoves his son into the ring post and kisses his wife. Rey gets Dominik in the ring and hits a flying seated senton. Rey hits the ropes and connects with a springboard cross-body block for a two-count. Rey sends Dominik back into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Rey quickly fights back with a sunset flip bomb for a near fall.
Rey circles around his son. Dominik begs him off, but Rey kicks him and hooks the head. Dominik backs him to the corner. Damian Priest and Finn Bálor come to ringside. Dominik capitalizes on the distraction to hit an alley-oop bomb into the bottom turnbuckle! Bálor and Priest root Dominik on. Dominik grabs his father and starts the Three Amigos. Rey fights out of it and knocks his son into the ropes. Rey hits a 619 and goes to the top rope! Bálor distracts the referee, and Priest pulls Rey down. Dominik then takes his father down. Dominik whips his father sternum-first into the opposite corner. Dominik gets his father on his shoulders, but Rey desperately pulls him over the top rope to save himself. Priest and Bálor approach Rey, but Legado del Fantasma run down to attack them! Priest fights off Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde. Santos Escobar wipes out Priest with a suicide dive.
In the ring, Dominik takes Rey’s head off with a vicious lariat. Dominik catapults his father into the ropes. Dominik hits his father with the 619! Dominik goes to the top rope and hits Rey with a frog splash for a near fall! Wow!
Dominik shouts at the crowd and starts to remove the top turnbuckle pad. The referee yells at Dominik for exposing the turnbuckle and goes to work to put it back together. Dominik goes over to Damian Priest’s coat and pulls out a steel chain! Bad Bunny quickly runs over and rips the chain out of Dominik’s hands! Rey dropkicks Dominik into the ropes and hits a 619! Rey connects with the Frog Splash for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio
The Judgment Day helps Dominik Mysterio away from the ring. Rey Mysterio celebrates in the ring. Angie and Aalyah come into the ring and celebrate as well. Dominik watches on in disgust.
Video Package: SmackDown Women’s Championship
George Kittle from the San Francisco 49ers is in the crowd.
SmackDown Women’s Championship
Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte Flair (c)
Jessika Carr is the referee. With ring announcer Samantha Irvin, it’s all women for the first time in WrestleMania history.
The bell rings, and Ripley stares at the SmackDown Women’s Champion. Flair hits the ropes and smirks at the challenger. They lock up for their second WrestleMania match together, but with a few years and a lot of experience separating the last one. Flair slaps Ripley in the back of the head, but Ripley soon hits the ropes and shoulder tackles her. Ripley taunts Flair and hits the ropes. Ripley blocks a hip toss, but Flair flips over and shoulder tackles her. Flair then clotheslines Ripley out of the ring. Ripley kneels at ringside and looks furious.
Ripley slides back into the ring, and the Queen of WWE stands tall. Ripley hits some stiff shoves and talks some trash. Flair chops her, so Ripley powers her to the corner and hits some shoulder thrusts. Flair punches Ripley back and forearms her. Ripley reverses a whip, but Flair rolls up the turnbuckles and lands on her feet. Flair big boots her down and goes to the top rope. Flair hits a cross-body block. Flair grabs her, but Ripley elbows her in the face. Flair knocks Ripley to the corner, but Ripley gets her on her shoulders and drops her onto the top turnbuckle face first. Ripley takes it to the SmackDown Women’s Champion and applies a body scissor. Ripley is squeezing the energy out of her. Flair tries to fight out, but Ripley cinches it in. Flair eventually turns over and forearms her. Flair avoids a big boot and rolls her up for a two-count. Ripley spins the champion and forearms her in the spine twice. Ripley sends Flair into the ropes and brings her down to her knees with a third forearm. The crowd gives Ripley an awesome ovation. Ripley shoves her into the ropes, but Flair elbows her back. Flair kicks her, but Ripley quickly hits a release German Suplex for a two-count.
Ripley talks trash to the Queen and hits a short-arm clothesline. Ripley taunts the crowd and hits a second short-arm clothesline. Ripley shows off an evil smile, ducks a right hand from Flair, and goes for a third short-arm clothesline, but Flair kicks her back. Flair quickly bounces Ripley’s face off the top turnbuckle. Flair connects with a pair of clotheslines and gets fired up. Flair appears to be bleeding from the mouth. Flair viciously chops the chest and gets her in the corner. The crowd continually “WOOs” as Flair chops the chest. Ripley screams in pain. Flair puts Ripley’s leg on the middle rope and jumps on it. Ripley pulls herself up in the corner and drops Flair on the apron. Flair knocks Ripley back and bounces her off the top turnbuckle. Flair goes to the top rope after listening to a dueling chant for her and Rhea. Flair goes for a cross-body block, but Ripley rolls through and powers her up! Flair elbows out, but Ripley counters into a Riptide attempt. Flair counters the Riptide into a massive DDT for a near fall!
Flair takes a deep breath and goes for a Figure Four Leglock. Ripley fights it and rolls her up for a two-count. They then take each other out with a double big boot. They both slowly get to their feet and go back and forth with strikes. Ripley stomps the boot, but Flair comes back with an exploder suplex. Flair kips up and is fired up. There are some boos for the Queen of WWE. Flair steps on Ripley as she heads to the top rope. Ripley soon climbs the ropes, but Flair knocks her back. Ripley quickly scales the ropes and turns her inside out with a super German Suplex for a near fall! Ripley cannot believe that didn’t put Flair away!
A frustrated Ripley pulls Flair up to her feet and goes for a back suplex, but Flair lands on her feet and hits a chop block. Flair hits The Eradicator with Natural Selection for a near fall! Ripley rolls out of the ring to recover. Flair goes outside and charges for a spear, but Ripley sidesteps her and sends her into the ring steps. Ripley gets Flair in the ring and viciously slams her down for a near fall. Ripley is in disbelief. Ripley talks trash to Flair and pulls her up. Flair fights out of the Riptide and hits a German Suplex! Ripley gets up in the corner. Flair grabs her and hits another German Suplex. Flair pulls her back up, but Ripley elbows her away. Ripley does a standing switch and turns Flair inside out with a vicious German Suplex. Flair was nearly spiked on her head, and the referee immediately checks on her. The replay shows that Flair landed on her face.
Ripley gets Flair on her feet, but Flair fights her off and big boots her down for a near fall. Flair is bleeding from the bridge of her nose after eating the mat full-on. Flair goes for a Figure Four Leglock, but Ripley fights it. Ripley rolls to the apron, but Flair big boots her off. Flair goes to the top rope, and the crowd comes to their feet. Flair catches Ripley with a moonsault block to the floor! Flair gets in the ring and goes for a Figure Four Leglock, but Ripley shoves her off. The referee is nearly taken out. Ripley connects with a Riptide and covers! 1… 2… Flair kicks out! Ripley absolutely cannot believe it. Ripley rips at her hair in frustration. Ripley pulls Flair up before shoving her down. Flair catches her with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ripley then puts the SmackDown Women’s Champion into the Prism Trap! Flair screams in pain. Flair’s face is swelling from that German Suplex onto her face. Flair claws to the ropes and climbs up. Flair pulls Ripley into the referee. Flair hits Ripley with a Spear for a near fall! Flair is in disbelief and looks to be near tears.
Flair and Ripley exchange blows from their knees. The crowd is going wild for this. They light each other up with vicious forearms before Ripley kicks her in the head. Flair then kicks Ripley in the face and applies the Figure Four Leglock! Ripley immediately gets to the bottom rope and screams at Flair. Flair is frustrated that she finally got her father’s Hall of Fame signature hold applied and it’s immediately broken up. Ripley is on the apron. Flair shoves her into the ring post and pulls her up to the top rope. Flair goes for an exploder superplex, but Ripley elbows out and bounces her off the ring post. Flair isn’t moving. Ripley smiles and sees her opening. Ripley climbs to the second rope and hits the limp, unconscious Charlotte Flair with a Riptide for the win!
Winner by Pinfall and new SmackDown Women’s Champion: Rhea Ripley
Rhea Ripley celebrates with the SmackDown Women’s Championship and looks absolutely fired up. Pyro goes off. Charlotte Flair is shown at ringside laughing off the loss.
Byron Saxton is backstage with United States Champion Austin Theory. Saxton brings up that he used some nefarious tactics to defeat the legendary John Cena. Theory says he said it and made Cena believe. Do you believe in Theory now?
The Miz and Snoop Dogg are back in the ring. Miz says it has been an incredible night here at WrestleMania. Tonight’s attendance is 80,497! Snoop Dogg says the only thing better than that would be Miz having a match tonight. Miz agrees with Snoop Dogg. Miz says he put out an open challenge on social media, but no one responded. Everyone is scared of him. Everyone knows that he’s the toughest man here. Why? Because he’s The Miz, and he’s awesome!
Pat McAfee comes out! Michael Cole absolutely flips out on commentary to have his partner back. McAfee dances in the ring and greets the beautiful people in SoFi Stadium. McAfee greets Snoop Dogg and puts him over. McAfee greets Miz and says he speaks for everyone. McAfee has been on social media, and no one saw the open challenge he supposedly issued. McAfee says he’s in his WrestleMania tank top. McAfee sees space and opportunity. If Miz wants a match, McAfee can beat his ass right here and now. Miz asks if they want to see him face Pat McAfee right now. Michael Cole flips out. Miz takes off his jacket and says there is nothing he’d rather do than to whoop him right here and now. Miz is the Host of WrestleMania and cannot make matches official. McAfee says Miz’s tiny balls are showing. McAfee gets 80,497 people to chant that Miz has tiny balls. If Miz can’t make it official, someone probably could.
Snoop Dogg says he’s the Dogg Father of WrestleMania and makes it official!
The Miz vs. Pat McAfee
A referee gets in the ring and calls for the bell. McAfee punches away at Miz before celebrating. Miz charges, but McAfee hits him with a spinebuster. McAfee poses in the corner and puts Miz on the top rope. Miz fights off a superplex attempt and shoves him off, but McAfee backflips and lands on his feet. Miz goes for a double ax handle, but McAfee superkicks him out of midair. A stunned Miz rolls out of the ring to recover. Corey Graves roots The Miz on.
Miz waves off McAfee and goes to leave the ring. George Kittle shouts at Miz, so Miz shoves him. McAfee distracts the referee. Kittle hops the barricade and clotheslines Miz down! Kittle tells McAfee to go to the top rope. McAfee stands on top of the ring post and hits Miz with a Swanton Bomb to the floor! McAfee and Kittle celebrate at ringside. McAfee gets Miz in the ring and gets fired up. McAfee hits Miz with a Punt Kick to the face for the victory!
Winner by Pinfall: Pat McAfee
Pat McAfee and George Kittle celebrate in the ring. Corey Graves says they’ve got a combined IQ less than his shoe size.
The commentators run down the stacked card for WrestleMania Sunday tomorrow night.
WrestleMania 40 takes place in Philadelphia in April 2024.
Video Package: Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship
The main event of WrestleMania Saturday is brought to you by Intuit TurboTax. A commercial airs for the product.
Lil Uzi Vert performs “Just Wanna Rock.” Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos then make their entrance.
Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship
The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) (c’s) vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
For the first time in WrestleMania history, the Tag Team Championship will be defended in the main event of the evening. This is Kevin Owens’s second straight WrestleMania main event. Owens faced “Stone Cold” Steve Austin last year in Austin’s retirement match.
The bell rings, and it’ll be Sami Zayn starting against Jimmy Uso. The crowd is loudly buzzing for this match. Jimmy sneers at Zayn and talks with his brother about him. Jey Uso tags in, so he’ll be actually starting this match. Jey came to really embrace Sami Zayn in The Bloodline during Zayn’s tenure in the group. Jey nearly gave up his family for Zayn. They lock up, and Jey hooks a side headlock. Zayn whips him off, but Jey shoulder tackles him down before putting a one up in the air. Zayn gets to his feet and circles around Jey. They lock up, and Jey hooks a side headlock again. Zayn whips him off, drops down, and hits a Thesz Press before punching away at him. Zayn punches Jey back. Jimmy Uso blind tags in. Jey reverses a whip, and Jimmy pulls the top rope down to get Zayn out of the ring. Jimmy then clotheslines Zayn down at ringside. Jimmy then sends Zayn hard into the ring post. Jey tags in, and he annihilates Zayn with a suicide dive. Kevin Owens runs over, but he puts the brakes on to avoid a disqualification. Jey hits Zayn with a suplex on the floor. Jey gets in the ring and pulls Zayn in by the hair. Jey clubs away at Zayn’s face with some crossface clubs before the referee backs him up. Jimmy gets a cheap kick in there for good measure. Jimmy tags in and stomps away at Zayn before punching Owens off the apron. The referee keeps Owens back. Owens is irate. Jimmy stuns Zayn with a punch and tags Jey in. Jimmy pins Zayn in the corner, and Jey avalanches him for a near fall. Zayn claws to his corner, but Jey keeps him back and applies a rear chin lock. Zayn fights up, so Jey shoves him off. Zayn boots Jey back and elbows Jimmy off the apron. Zayn then hits Jey with a back body drop over the top rope.
Kevin Owens tags in to a big ovation. Owens immediately goes to the top rope and takes The Usos out with a somersault senton! Owens sends Jimmy into the corner and takes Jey down. Owens clotheslines Jimmy on the floor and puts Jey in the ring. Owens hits a frog splash on Jimmy off the apron. Owens quickly goes to the top rope and hits Jey with a frog splash for a near fall! Owens sizes Jey up and goes for a Stunner, but Jey counters into a pop-up neckbreaker for a near fall.
Jey shoves Owens to the corner and puts him on the top rope. Jey climbs, and Jimmy blind tags in. Owens knocks Jey down and goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Jey gets the knees up. Jimmy, the legal Uso, hits Owens with an Uso Splash for a near fall! Jimmy shouts to the crowd and goes for a running hip attack, but Owens avoids it. Owens hits Jimmy with two superkicks, backs up, tells him to “suck it,” and hits a cannonball! Owens goes to the top rope, but Jey holds Owens’s ankles. Zayn grabs Jey and hits a brainbuster on the apron! Owens hits Jimmy with a Swanton Bomb for a near fall!
Zayn tags in, and the crowd comes to their feet. Zayn holds one finger up to taunt The Bloodline, and he hits Jimmy with an Uso Splash for a near fall! The crowd sings “Ole” at Zayn. It sounds super loud. Jimmy hooks a side headlock and takes Zayn down. Jimmy superkicks Owens off the apron. Jimmy fights out of a Blue Thunder Bomb and tags Jey in. Zayn hits Jimmy with the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Jey superkicks him. Jey sends Zayn into the ropes for a massive kick to the face for another near fall! Jey can’t believe it. Jey shouts at Zayn and superkicks him in the jaw. Jey removes his shirt and tags his brother in. Jimmy superkicks Zayn. Jey stuns Zayn with a superkick. The Usos hit a double superkick, but Owens breaks up the pin. The Usos then take out Owens. Jey tags back in. The Usos sandwich Zayn’s skull with a double superkick, but Zayn kicks out just barely. Jimmy tags in and superkicks Zayn for yet another near fall. Jey tags in, and The Usos are standing over the fallen Zayn. Zayn is just going on instinct. They go for the 1D, but Owens pulls Jimmy down. Zayn rolls Jey up for a near fall!
Owens pulls Jimmy out of the ring and bounces him off the commentary table a few times. Owens goes for a powerbomb on Jimmy through the table, but Jey cuts him off. Jimmy superkicks Owens. The Usos then wipe out Owens with a double-team spinebuster through the commentary table! The Usos get in the ring and stalk Zayn. They crush Zayn with the 1D… but Zayn kicks out! Jimmy Uso cannot believe what just happened!
Jey tags in and talks trash to his former Bloodline brother. Jey slaps him in the face, and Zayn says, “No more.” Jey lights Zayn up with slap after slap. Jey backs up and sneers at the sold-out crowd. Jey charges and hits Zayn with a Helluva Kick! Jey holds Zayn up and tells Zayn that he should never have left the Bloodline. Zayn then crushes Jey with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles!
Zayn crawls over to Owens and tags him in. Owens hits Jimmy with a Pop-up Powerbomb. Jey charges, but Owens hits him with a Pop-up Powerbomb. Zayn hits Jimmy with a Helluva Kick! Owens hits Jey with a Stunner and covers, but Jey kicks out! Unbelievable!
The Usos stand across the ring from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. The crowd is going wild. They get into a big brawl. Jimmy superkicks Zayn out of the ring. Owens superkicks Jimmy and superkicks Jey. Jimmy blind tags in. Jey gets out of a Pop-up Powerbomb. The Usos pepper Owens with superkicks. Jimmy superkicks Zayn off the apron. Jey positions Owens in the center of the ring. They go to opposite top ropes and hit stereo Usos Splashes. It’s over now. Jimmy covers Owens, and the referee counts 1… 2… KEVIN OWENS KICKS OUT OF A DOUBLE USO SPLASH! The crowd (and The Usos) are in absolute disbelief.
Jey powers Owens up, and he appears to be out on his feet. Jey backs up and tags Jimmy in. They crush Owens with stereo superkicks. Owens is down in the corner and looks unconscious. Jey tags in, and he puts Owens on the top rope. Zayn pulls Jimmy out of the ring and sends him over the commentary table. Owens hits Jey with the fisherman’s superplex! Zayn gets on the apron, and SoFi Stadium comes unglued when Zayn tags in! Zayn brutalizes Jey with the Helluva Kick and holds him up. Zayn looks down at his face and shoves him back to the corner. Zayn hits a second Helluva Kick on Jey, but Zayn continues to hold him up. Jimmy runs in, but Owens hits a Stunner to knock him out of the ring. Zayn shoves Jey to the corner and backs up. The crowd is going WILD! Zayn destroys Jey with a third Helluva Kick to end the 623-day run of The Usos!
Winners by Pinfall and new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn celebrate with the Undisputed Tag Team Championship in the ring. The crowd gives them an incredible ovation. Fireworks go off all around SoFi Stadium. The crowd is electric and loudly sings Sami Zayn’s theme song!
Video Package: WrestleMania Saturday highlights
Quick Match Results
— Austin Theory def. John Cena to retain the United States Championship
— The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) def. Braun Strowman and Ricother, The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar), and Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis) in a Men’s WrestleMania Showcase Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match
— Seth “Freakin” Rollins def. Logan Paul
— Trish Stratus and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Becky Lynch and Lita def. Damage CTRL (Bayley, Dakota Kai, and IYO SKY) in a 6-Woman Tag Team Match
— Rey Mysterio def. Dominik Mysterio
— Rhea Ripley def. Charlotte Flair to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship
— Pat McAfee def. The Miz
— Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn def. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship
E-Mail – mike@wrestleview.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
Thanks for reading!
Just a quick reminder that Wrestleview Live will return on YouTube immediately following Night One of WrestleMania 39. Be sure to subscribe to our channel!