is featuring an interview with WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin where he talks about being physically able to make a return to the ring if he desired to.
“That dream match that never happened in a lot of people’s mind is Austin/(Hulk) Hogan. But, in the current crop? I don’t really know. It would have been neat to work against a John Cena. Or the Rock or Undertaker or Triple H again. But that one dream match that never happened was Austin/Hogan. I could still, you know if I was in a bad situation, I could still get two years out of my carcass on a full-time basis. At about 90, 95% of what I used to do. But I’m happy where I’m at. And in ten or twenty years I still want to be doing the things I’m doing with my hunting and fishing. I want to continue to do that in a pain-free fashion. And right now I’m living a pretty pain-free lifestyle.”
Full interview:
WWE’s ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin on ‘Tough Enough,’ Wrestlemania